Saturday, 31 July 2010

Never Alone

A belief that you are separate from the true source breeds the most horrifying behaviours of which warfare is the pinnacle. This is because believing that we are ‘alone and separate’ creates an ‘every man for himself’ attitude which, although can be inclusive of immediate family, is generally exclusive of everyone who isn’t ME, my house, my car, my job, my clothes, my satisfaction and so on. This mind set exacerbates self grasping actions and is expressed as ‘my survival at any cost’. It is the root of all suffering and has kept us in a battle field of some kind since time immemorial.

The kind of things that Homo sapiens get up to as they fall further and further into the dungeons of partition are truly appalling and include anything and everything you can imagine: torture, rape, slavery, murder, imprisonment, genocide, …the list is endless.

All of these actions come from a mind state of separation from unity because once you know that there is only One, you would also understand that performing these actions would be damaging yourself.

Where there is a belief in separation, you can be sure that at least 2 things will arise alongside this: First there will be a corresponding fear of the truth that might end that separation and some sort of denial of anything that might point to that truth, and secondly, there will be those who wish to cash in on this denial in any way possible. The success of these two premises depends very much on keeping the truth a secret, hence the birth of the conspiracy theory; the one that aims to hide the truth in any way it can whilst cashing in on its rebuff at the same time. We have lived in such a world as long as civilisations have risen and fallen.

Conspiracy has been defined as ‘a secret agreement between two or more people to perform a harmful act’- but I would like to add to that – ‘an act that is of benefit to the perpetrators’. Although most of us deny the existence of conspiracy because we are subtly conditioned by ‘normality’ to dismiss anything that doesn’t fit into our ridiculous 2.5 world, if you were to give it some thought, and possibly even investigation, you would begin become aware that there are hidden puppet masters behind the animations of many world dramas, rather than the stale events that are fed to us through public media.

The usual motivating reasons behind such activities of the evasive elite are however, predictably inane and have not changed for millennia. For example; greed, world power and generally ‘more for me and I don’t care whose lives I devastate in the process’. Since most people have a fairly decent - if not unquestioned - set of morals, this game of charades performed by this invisible collective who are the force behind the apparent power figures, must ensue. Ergo it is necessary to keep the masses pre-occupied with the usual mundane drivel so that they do not look at anything too deeply.

Since our dormant minds represent a sleeping but nonetheless potentially powerful threat against those who want to be ‘in charge’ of as many external circumstances as achievable, it is necessary for our minds to be controlled so that they do not cause any problems. These controllers are those who wish to ‘rule the world’ even though, in REAL reality, the very thought of this is utterly preposterous. World domination can never work because wherever there is imposed force, there is equal and opposite reaction.

I could go into this on a much deeper level but am not ensconced with the idea of men dropping out of helicopters on little black strings outside my window on a mission to eliminate my life-force so that their ludicrous façade of hidden agendas is maintained.

So instead, I will go to the heart of the matter and talk about creating the Kingdom instead of ruling the world.

Sadly for many of us, we will never give ourselves the time and effort to discover the things of real importance in our human lives and make them meaningful. But that does not mean the opportunity to open the door and escape this cyclic mayhem is not with us at every moment. Once you realise that there is something not quite right with the world, you then have a sacred moment where another choice presents itself, although it is not so much a choice as an acknowledgment. No matter what dramas ensue in our lives, there is always life going on in the background and the choosing of that life at any given moment is what will obliterate any illusory imprisonment and set you FREE.

The world or the system is more dependent on us than we are on it. This is the secret that no-one knows. For those who feel trapped in their lives with no hope of redemption, know that it can be overcome and transcended. I am not dismissing the suffering that people believe they experience when they are struggling with what they feel are REAL problems. What I AM saying is that a change in perspective is a force of re-invention or even resurrection. This is the promise of commitment made to those who choose the light.

If we, and the planet we inhabit wish to endure into the next birth or ‘ascension’ as it is also referred to, an approach other than ME and MY problems must be cultivated or we will not survive. We are now at a crucial point of spiritual evolution because our existing options are all but exhausted. The new approach that is required to shunt up to the next level and shift into a new beginning is the approach of cherishing others instead of our selves.

Most people think that if they put others before themselves, they will be taken advantage of, ripped off, used and abused and left for dead. But that is because they do not really understand the art of cherishing others. It does not mean that you become a new age wimp and allow others to trample all over you. It simply means to make the happiness of others a priority over your own. An alien concept to 99.9% of the population I know, but the actual truth about chasing happiness is a very unfulfilling one. You may have noticed that the greatest thrills and satisfaction in your life has arisen as the result of making someone else happy. That’s because this ancient wisdom WORKS! Don’t take my word for it – do your own experiments and get your own results.

The system is dependent on a self grasping attitude and will do anything to keep you fearful and self centred, but the wages of such selfish pursuits are only misery, misery and more misery. If you don’t believe me just look around, and ask yourself, ‘how many people do I know who are truly happy?’ and that happiness is NOT based on circumstance but comes from an indestructible place within?

Think about it…

Think about it but don’t take too long

And while you’re thinking do something remarkable that makes someone other than YOU feel uplifted.

Let there be LIGHT

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