According to the Mayans, some very well versed professors and a few arc angels, planet earth is due for a photon belt encounter next year in 2011. This photon belt, which is referred to by some as the ‘planetary trouble shooter’ can be described as an amoeba-like cloud of particles, but most of its frequencies are invisible. In fact, it is an immense region of space which is radiating intense electromagnetic radiation or …light.
In the non dualistic world where our higher selves reside, there is no such thing as opposites; in the same way, this band of light will reveal the apparent locations within and around us where light is ABSENT. Like a process of osmosis, it will draw out that which is of unequal vibration and cause it to ‘match’ itself
What does this mean in layman’s terms? It means that where you are stuck or resistant to life and light – after all, everything is light, causality will force out the obstruction…As Noel Huntley, Ph.D. quotes in his article which was actually written in January 1988:
“It appears that for mankind on this planet the photon belt encounter will be essentially a spiritual experience--but this really depends on man…..If we are sufficiently evolved at the time, great advancements will occur in our consciousness as we attune to the higher-frequencies. If we are negative, that is, possess too many lower vibrations, the result of selfish actions, we are not expected to survive the frequency incompatibility… Psychological characteristics of entering the belt are the effect of uprooting hidden, secret, or withheld material, bringing it to the surface for transmutation. This means psychological and physical disease patterns will be forced to the surface, that is, the conscious mind. This will give tremendous opportunity to make advancements but also where there is too much to handle will cause illness, depressions, disease and death “
On our small but beautiful planet where us humans love a good drama and have all kinds of them from wars to politics, to shopping at Tesco’s where every little bit helps – it means that our small lives will be turned upside down by this mighty cleanse. If you have already stated to feel like this then get ready to run; the starting gun is just about to go off!
Our existence is really very simple; all the old biblical stories about good vs. evil etc are about to come into play as the fight for world domination in the face of changes ensues. This is because although there is only ever one grand reality and truth, there appears to be 2 sides i.e. good and evil, light and dark etc. This whole ridiculous idea actually originates from judgement and the idea that there is a God who will judge and punish us for being ‘bad’. In the new paradigm we will begin to see that there never has been any darkness, merely the absence of light. And that is because Truth is ABSOLUTE
The last couple of days have been a little heavy and dense. I always feel that on days like this there are particularly naughty things going on by those in apparent power that tend to perpetuate negative vibrations and in turn create phenomenon such as weather and other newsworthy items. Anything is possible! Do not believe for an instant that the influence of power (of course this is not REAL power) is confined to publicly VISIBLE pursuits.
Today’s miracle offered is the beauty of learning to UNself the selfish self. In other words, it’s possible to make a big difference in the collective vibrations – seeing as you are part of the big picture- by RECOGNISING that you have influence.
We shall use a very powerful and PRACTICAL technique given by Buddha to make changes. This technique, which some of you may be familiar with is called METTE or some of you may recognise it as ‘loving kindness’.
This is a meditation that dissolves negativity rapidly and purifies heavy karmic residue so that you may lighten your load. It is a supreme method for creating the causes of love in our life and I’m not talking about the romantic kind…
Anyway, how to do this…
Simply sit and think about all beings, focusing particularly on anyone you dislike intensely or feel particularly repelled by and then wish for their happiness. Continue for at least 10 minutes or until you feel complete. This meditation can be combined with a breath visualisation, breathing in the negativity and unhappiness of the world and breathing out light in its place. This practice destroys the erosive habit of self cherishing and purifies the heart. If done en masse it can purify the whole planet!
In my own experience it has been one of the most life changing meditations I have ever done and has greatly improved my relations with other beings. I highly recommend this as a fast track for injecting love into your life and making a REAL change. It gets easier with practice.
More tomorrow…
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