Hello to you. I have no idea who's gonna read this blog but I'm guessing you might be drawn to it if you're getting that previously repressed niggly feeling that all is not right with the world - and guess what, it's gonna get worse!
Oh, yes! There is definitely some sort of climactic event afoot. Some might call it the itch of spiritual evolution that is so necessary for our continuing survival. This dramatic inner restructuring will cause the Devil to dig his claws in and hold on for dear life, in other words, don't be surprised if all manner of crap start to hit the fan including; illness, relationship and money drama and just about any other kind of disturbance in your idea of 'the way things should be' you can imagine. If you've been living in a box up till now, strap on your seat belt cos things are gonna get seriously shakey!The best you can do is SURRENDER to the crazy roller-coaster changes, it will make it easier to bear.
I mean, do you ever stop and ask yourself the priceless question: WTF am I doing here, on this planet? I mean is this all there is? being born, baby, toddler, school, college, uni, job, marriage, mortgage, old age, illness, box, or in some cases - a vase? That, and all the dramatic story lines that come with it. Striving and striving for some evasive feeling of satisfaction that never comes - or if it does it's not permanent. Come on, I know you can hear me! Yes, we've been trapped in it forever and guess what, here comes a window, a portal that shows up every few thousands of years.
That myth of existence that we have had shoved down our throats from every media angle is coming into question and you can sense the unrest as people begin to see the truth and feel so angry for buying into it: Yes! that's what we've been doing for millenia in one form or another well haven't you had enough of it yet? I can't get over how much HB's (humans) allow themselves to be patronised by this stuff that they are force fed, like animals in a pet shop - it's awful. And then we live in fear in case we lose any of this manufactured idea of contentment. Well, here's the wake up call, YOU'RE WORTH MORE THAN ANY OF IT, and compared to your potential, these things are merely scraps! Why take copper when you can have gold - you do have to go through a process of alchemy though! But no-one can tell you that except yourself. It's tme to stand up and get off your knees begging others to make things right for you; to give you something to make you feel valuable - you will never get it from others, EVER! You have to learn to get it from yourself and the divine forces that animates the whole of creation. It means shifting your priority from outside to IN!
The time is over ripe. If you don't start questioning and asking and activating changes now, you may miss your boat, and God knows there won't be another for a whole cycle. My advice, start facing the things you dread, full on. Find your balls and stand up. This is your chance to dare to live. You don't need a system to tell you who you are, you're purpose it to experience your own glory and divinity. This is the big secret that has been hidden from you for aeons. You are the One, the only one, there is no other who can give you what ou seek! Don't let anyone tell you that you need a 'system' to be validated and feel alive and experience and enjoy the life that pumps through your body and brain every moment. It's a SHAM - a very clever one that perpetuates itself through your fear of change and of your own LIGHT. It is there to keep you small and disempowered BUT you don't have to say yes to it any longer
more later...
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