Is There Anybody There?
It just had to happen didn’t it? Today I wore a white t-shirt and carefully avoided anything that might cause a stain and then…stir fry and…you guessed it, soy sauce on my flawless white. The best remedy is washing up liquid on your electric toothbrush. I executed it in an obsessive compulsive disorderly way and then sat down on my couch in a satisfied manner afterwards – having restored all things back to perfection. Sorry – I can’t recommend an alternative for those with dentures, but I guess by the time we’ve got to toothless, you couldn’t care less about soy on your whites - or anywhere else for that matter, and are more interested in missing the toothbrush bit out and just parking your rear on the couch!
But the point is, does any of this matter?
The ideas of perfection that we carry around in our minds are an enormous pain. Sure, they make our world seem to function but is any of it real? You will be by the end of this blog! (P.s. why don’t these stupid prowler sites cover any of the main questions like – where can I get a better re-incarnation deal and come back as royalty?)
What I mean is; we have all these useless, mind boggling ideas about EVERYTHING: what things are; what they do; where they come from; who we are; what is right/wrong, good/bad etc, etc. And we sincerely believe that without them, we would not be able to function. It’s a hell of a lot to walk around with and even try to remember. But the life plan for Human Neurosis is actually quite smart and causes you to forget it all before you exit this insane in the membrane physical plane (apart from the really deep rooted ones which come back to haunt you with a kick like a donkey on cocaine!)
But are we any closer to the Truth yet?
My favourite wise person once said to me “there is no good or bad” (in a heavy Indian accent). My first thought and subsequent comment was something along the lines of – 'but what about all the starving people in the world and the unscrupulous tyrants who caused their suffering…? What about Bush, Adolf and all the other sons of dogs that desrve to fry in the deepest recesses of hell?' What I really meant of course was: 'What about ME and MY suffering as a result of being uncomfortable with all these things because they are very BAD'. It took me a long and arduous while and a lot of idea dismantling introspection (as well as banging my ego against the walls of 'this is sooo wrong') to begin to understand what this really means, experientially! When I finally got it, I forgave the man who lives downstairs for putting a series of small grenades through my letterbox. I realised -‘It was an act of love; he just didn’t know how to express it’ Just like the mosquito bites that caused my biceps to allergically bulge were actually little kisses, just like having my heirloom stolen by a shady thief was some sort of warped blessing- I just didn't know how to receive it and say 'yes, that's very good!'
IDEAS, IDEAS, IDEAS! Do any of us know what is really going on in this life lark?
Knock knock
Who's there?
Ivan who?
Ivan IDEA you're hiding behind that door...
...and so on and so forth until your head pops open and all the little men with hammers run out!
Eckhart Tolle says that as soon as something is named it’s true essence is lost and you never see it in its true light again - or until your mind becomes undone. This is because we do not really know the true nature of anything – especially who or what we are. ‘Ridiculous’, you might say, but if you really contemplated this, you would begin to see what I mean. All we have are our ideas about who we are, and these ideas are based on a series of past references about who we think we are.
When Christopher Columbus’ ships appeared to the original natives of America, they could not SEE them! The reason they were not visible to them was because they had no point of reference, i.e., they had not seen them before and the mind could not think, 'hey, I KNOW what that is, it's a ship'. In the same way, if you showed a cup of coffee to an alien from some other galaxy, it would not appear as a cup of coffee at all. It might appear as a glark - no I don't know WTF that is either and that's because it does not exist in the way I or anyone else thinks it does!
I rest my case!
This means that we have actually duped ourselves into believing that we, all this stuff that goes on around us, and especially in our minds is REAL. In other words, we have bought into our own BS hook, line and sinker.
What a fantastical joke…on US!
The biggest illusions are of course MY body and MY mind: In fact ME in general! Tony Parsons, a radicalist with a seriously contagious laugh, said “You can’t kill anyone”. Before you start roaring like an angry lion at the way that comment might offend your ideas about life, death and dying think about it, that is, think about it OUT of the BOX. I can recommend reading literature by those who have explored such zones of thought and then, after serious contemplation, meditate on it. You might be surprised about what comes up. The 2 most common responses to realising that ITS NOT REAL is either a feeling of incredible freedom or one of terror. If one or both of these options entice you why not give it a go. There is a tremendous opportunity at the moment to meld with the unknown and develop seriously profound realisations. All the doors are WIDE open. Take advantage of this rare opportunity and OPEN YOUR MIND.
My other favourite Tony Parsons quote is “There is no-one sitting down, there is just sitting on a chair”.
If you try to analyse this from YOUR point of view, you will go loopy. So how, you might ask, can you contemplate it? That’s a difficult one but let me put it this way…if I were the Creator of all things and wanted to be obvious but not found, I would hide in the gaps between all the rubbish that seems to preoccupy our confused minds…
and with that, I bid you, a very good evening...
Next time – You don't have to go to South America to find your Brazils
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