Another birthday; another year- but there’s something about this one that is so different. It looks different, it feels different and it IS different because it is being perceived from an unusually altered state – and I’m not talking about mind altering drugs. These days the veil is so thin I can see through to the other side – it’s like looking into a 20x intensified mirror where your face is literally transmogrifying before your very eyes! All the boundaries are bleeding and beings in the twilight zone are seeping into this one and guess what – even though there are a handful of heroes, a lot of them are just as confused as we are and maybe even more afraid. Yes! Things have definitely got a little blurry around the edges…
When I first started dabbling in the etheric mysteries, I came across a book called ‘Hands of Light’ by Barbara Anne Brenhan, where she explained in great depth about the different levels of existence. In the old days, before things started speeding up and the ‘action reaction’ loop was a little more drawn out, dimensions were far more separate; thoughts were in one place, emotions in another, astral dimensions were in their place and never the twain did meet. But these days it’s all melting into ONE big soup which means the astral, thought, and emotional realms are all mixed up with nowhere to go. As a result we are all over the place and stepping into one another’s psychic space. In other words, there are NO PRIVATE THOUGHTS or anything else for that matter! You must have noticed: the increased aggravation when you are among masses, the increased sensitivity when around particularly aggravated people or situations…sound familiar?
We are being shown that we are not separate; that we are all responsible for each other and that we have to be super careful about what we think because, it is becoming more and more obvious, that every thought has a consequence and these days a pretty immediate one. When one is addressing the quality of their own thoughts, it becomes quickly apparent that you can’t serve two masters. You can’t think about anger and peace at the same time; can’t serve dark and light; contraction and expansiveness, God and the Devil; 0 and 1 or any other way you want to express it.
My old teacher used to say; “you can’t have your feet in 2 boats” because eventually the boats may divide down the river and you’ll have to jump into the water and maybe drown! In other words, you cannot split your consciousness; it can only be of a singular frequency at any one moment in time. This truth is becoming more and more apparent and those who are trying to fence sit are being forced with the pressure of a decision. It’s a most uncomfortable place to sit. This seat is called ‘denial of the one consciousness that underpins all’ or ‘I am separate and alone’ or, ‘nothing beyond the physical exists’. But if you truly choose this side , the only consequence is the inevitability of Death, where you will finally diminish in the fires of total annihilation whilst Death and all his friends sing songs of your utter termination. Not the kind of holiday you were saving up for right?! AND SO, although it is bone rattlingly terrifying to entertain the possibility that the world has been wrong all along, the time has come to choose…it’s time to pick your dance partner and stick to it; will it be the light or the absence of light? Eternity or Death? Are we to dance in the light or flee in the shadows whilst the grimm reaper chases our shirt tails with his sharpened scythe?
Every action that is taken, including our thoughts, either serves the light or the dark. If your mind is in fear, every action made from that standpoint – or crouch-point, to be more accurate, is going to result in a lowering of frequency which means you are dancing with the Devil. Some people are waiting for some grand climactic event of the 2012 cycle but really it is occurring every moment; every moment you are choosing what or who to serve by where you direct the energy of your thoughts. So many people I know are panicking about fearful or angry emotions or thoughts they are having, or worse still, trying to put a band-aid over a gaping wound of inconsistency, whilst riding a roller-coaster of uncertainty... Well, buckle up, because the intensity is going to increase to warp speed.
The rest of this year is the only remaining time you have left to whip your mind into shape so that you can control the flow of thought energy and direct it away from judgement. Judgement is a dangerous mindset because it mortifies thought energy and makes it into a dangerous force. It zombifies the mind and turns you into the living dead. That’s what is meant by ‘judgement day’: No-one is coming down to judge you; it is us who will judge each other and ourselves. Time is imminent: Work diligently to make preparations, next year spirituality will go into autopilot and you will either be on the boat or in the water.
I AM the master of my fate
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