I’m going Home!
Every day a bit more of me migrates back to the bosom of my Creator. I can feel it leave through the top of my head during my morning meditation, and slowly, I am losing interest in the world. It’s dropping out of me like the sand in an hour glass. I see everything that goes on and hear the sounds of busy ness but I do not belong in it; nor does it hold any enticement for me. It’s getting less and less and I’m beginning to understand the strange feeling I have had since I was a child – the one of not belonging, the one that used to make me feel as if there was something wrong with me rather than with the place I was in. It was agony, but now I understand!
I’m not quite sure how I got down here in the first place but it doesn’t really matter. All that matters is that I can hear the call and I have answered. I hear it in the trees when the wind blows through them; I hear it in the laughter of children when they are Being; I hear it in the songs of the birds like a pure fountain of joy; I hear it in the gaps between the suffering of myself and others. Sometimes it’s so loud I can’t hear anything else. Every day a little bit more of me leaves this place, which isn’t really a location but a mind set. It’s a mind set of lack; of self victimisation. It’s a mind set that says you are not worthy; you do not deserve, you will die a pauper.
Today I wish for you all to hear the call and find your way home. If I could be a bridge, I would lay down; if I were a gate keeper, I would open the door for you. There is so much love waiting for you just slightly over the brow of the hill but no-one can carry you there. They can simply point the way and hope that you will feel the calling. If you find your life is one long cracked record then maybe you’re missing the point. Look again at what is being repeated and listen to your feelings around that pain. Inside you will find the key that will open your door to freedom. It is there calling you. It has been calling you since the beginning. Ask yourself the question: ‘Am I ready to listen now?’ or do I need another cycle of battering?
I have been speaking to my Home:
I am ready to serve. There seem to be 2 jobs here but really there is only ever one; either I serve the world or I serve divinity – which ever I think I choose, I will serve divinity in the end. One is easy and the other so hard although it may appear the other way round but as Geshla says; appearances are deceiving…
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