Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Lift up your Hearts…and Hold on to your Hats (The roller coaster is heading for a BIG dip)

Is it just another ordinary week for you where everything is routine, commonplace and run of the mill, or can you feel the sheer emblazoned potency of that impending cardinal grand cross which is growing in intensity every second and is set to reach full climax on Saturday 7th August 2010?
To quote one astrologer regarding this weekend’s Grand Cross:

“…there is likely to be high tension, deep upset and plenty of conflict, possibly resulting in major political, social and religious change, even to the collapse of old institutions and the loud, difficult birth of new ones.”

There is a huge amount of planetary activity, where the celestial bodies are doing things they haven’t done for millennia and according to astrologers this activity is going to amplify all the way to 21/12/12. Since the eclipses of June 26th 2010, the energy has been increasing. It is as if forces are supplying one more big push to help us utilise our choices. This energy easily has the ability to knock you off your centre of balance and needs to be made use of in an intelligent and thoughtful way.

What does this mean for us? Well, it feels as if the troops are lining up for the final face off and this time it’s inescapable. Yes my friends, our thought waves have accumulated in the ethers and, as the majority of them are too heavy to ascend off into the angelic realms, they have been dumped back into our plane by their own sheer density and are beginning to physically manifest into a drama that will make all other dramas look like a tea party with fairy cakes. The veil of ignorance is about to be lifted and we will soon discover that it has been US all along; we are responsible for the way things are because the magnetic attraction of our thoughts and previous actions have made it so; WE have created the causes of our own apparent destiny. Yes, we have done it to ourselves and now, we have to clean it up – or else!

But does that mean that suffering, doom and gloom is our only inevitable destiny? Although world events smack of an impending collapse of everything that we believe has kept our lives together up until now, our fate have not yet been sealed; the warriors are still marching out and haven’t all chosen their sides yet. Here at the eleventh hour, there is still time to decide upon your stance. But this is a very different kind of battle to the ones documented in the books of history we seem to base our future navigations on. THIS is a battle of FREQUENCY.

It has certain dependent factors, for example, in Buddhist texts, karma or potential for re-action is not activated until an action is complete. So if you are in the process of stealing, say, your action will not be complete until you consider the object to be yours. We can use this same example for all our actions. The particularity of this time however, is the very factor of TIME – also an illusion but a very convincing one!

When the biblical texts spoke of Judgement Day, many thought it was referring to a day where punishment would be meted out to the perpetrators of wrongful acts, but during a recent meditation I was given an insight. This insight told me that Judgement Day referred to a time rather than a day where CONSEQUENCES would arise to balance transmissions of frequency without any delay. I.e., whenever you have a thought that leads to performing a corresponding action, you are sending out a level of energetic vibration. Each thought leading to an action had a corresponding level of energetic vibration. For more information on this you could consider the work of Dr David Hawkins who has founded the map of human consciousness.

During this point, the period of time between perpetrating an action and its consequence, would be greatly diminished, leaving like to attract like with incredible swiftness. The consequences or REACTIONS would accord with the parameters of the frequency that was originally sent out. So if they are Low, i.e., based on guilt, anger, fear etc., they would be in accord with other low frequencies and invariably attract the same. For example, if someone shouts at us in anger, we are more than 50% likely to react in a similar manner – like attracting like. A good instance of this is road rage, a spreading epidemic where even the most well mannered turn into prehistoric beasts, venting incredible fury at other people in separate tin boxes. Similarly, if frequency output is high, then it would be in accord with other high frequencies – e.g., an act of loving kindness will often dissolve negativity and raise a frequency to accord with itself.

And that, in brief, is how to manifest light, or not as the case may be.

What I’m saying is that in this very intense and challenging time the responsibility lies with us as to how to ACT rather than RE-ACT; it is most important to keep your antennae up and get off the bottom rungs of the ladder. Our evolution is in a precarious place, and the fate of the apparent drama hangs in the balance. To do your bit it is necessary to execute swift purification of your mind, imbibe regular positive nourishment to sustain your level of frequency and do what you can to help. REMEMBER, the way the scales fall very much depends on what you do NOW.

Here are a few ways to raise your frequency:
• Eat fresh organic produce that is filled with life force – the fresher the better
• Listen to high frequency music like classical for instance; Mozart is good
• Read authentic spiritual literature
• Spend as much time in nature as possible; mountains, trees, sea, running water – all good!
• The higher up you are the better – mountains are VERY good
• Meditate regularly and send out loving kindness to ALL beings – even the ones who swore at you when you were driving – this latter part is a great purifier of negativity
• Help where you can – random acts of unconditional kindness keep your attention off your own angst!
• Forgive your past as soon as you can and move on – ‘complain and remain in pain, praise and be raised above it’
• Develop an ‘attitude of gratitude’ instead of complaining about your lot. There are always people who are suffering more than you. Become a positive force to yourself and others
• Stay away from stressful people and situations – especially ‘vampires’ who drain your energy to make themselves feel more comfortable but take no responsibility for their own actions
• Don’t watch low grade TV – most advertisements (use mute if watching), a certain soap that finishes at 8pm, (sorry! very low frequency), voyeuristic TV shows like BB which apparently has some kind of tie with the illuminati, most news which is generally biased, and anything that creates negative reactions. TV is not real life but an image based representation of streamed items mainly used to exercise control and promote consumerism
• Limit your intake of alcohol, cigarettes and anything else that alters your clarity
• Drink plenty of filtered or bottled water
• Endeavour to keep your mind in the light by cultivating non reactivity

Generally your body’s first response is a very good gage of whether something is right for you if you learn to listen to it instead of using knee jerk reactions. Usually, if something is not beneficial for you, your body will indicate this by contracting in some way and losing strength. This is the value of kinesiology which uses the body’s simple response of ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to decide a course of action.

If you find it very difficult to control your mind, I highly recommend doing a 10 day silent retreat in Vipassana meditation which although very challenging and a bit like boot camp, is a definite fast track method in learning how to discipline your mind. Last year I crammed in 4 retreats and can absolutely vouch for their healing and terrific purifying power. http://www.dipa.dhamma.org/ Don’t go unless you mean business with your mind!

Remember, all of the above work as a whole; the more you do, the easier it gets. If you start to feel the mounting pressure of this weekend’s Grand Cross it will help to withdraw from external events if you can. Many have decided to go on meditation retreats so they can generate as much light as possible. You can join them by devoting some time to sending out courage instead of fear, love instead of anger, tolerance instead of impatience or even just visualise flooding the earth with as much light as you can imagine. No matter what your situation might be, it’s very important to cultivate a calm acceptance in the face of what appears to be scary or intolerable. DO NOT succumb to fear which may surface as things become de-stabilised.

This time is an extraordinary opportunity to shunt your development light years ahead, use it as best you can – it won’t be back in our lifetime!

The lines are open, link in and know that if we act with one vision, we can overcome any obstacle and create a stunning radiance that will blast away any and all impediments to our sovereignty. The power to achieve wholeness is and always has been OURS. Remove your focus from the finite and place it on the unlimited...


May you illuminate and be a lighted lamp
To those who are lost in the darkness

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