This week’s blog is a pure channelled message about the return to our true lineage. I cannot give you its source because I honestly do not know where it came from. I understand that it will not be everyones 'cup of tea' and some of you may find these words difficult if not impossible to relate to, whereas others may dismiss it as utter poppycock. I trust that some will resonate with the frequency behind the words. It is also possible that I will read it in a week and think 'Eh! What was that???'...Still, I'm only a messenger and needs must relate what is transmitted to me lest I neglect my purpose...So here is what was given to me to be passed on. I hope it twangs some inner strings.
Many, many aeons ago, at the perceived beginning of all things, seeds of light were issued forth from the grand vortex of light and began a very long journey through layers and levels of creation where none - in that particular formation - have ever ventured before. They were dispatched to other solar systems in this galaxy and beyond where they claimed various forms both in gross and subtle matter and lived out life spans in accordance to the frequency they chose to incarnate into.
After numerous cycles and adjustments to form and visits to other solar systems where they again lived out life spans in accordance with those frequencies; they came to Earth.
By this time, the original seeds of light had grown in personal will and had accumulated many layers of memory that gave them the illusion that they were now seperate entities from the original light vortex. They believed that they descended from certain lineages and as seperate entities had undergone certain individual and collective experiences. All of these beliefs caused rigidities to occur in their mental continuum, which were then held onto as part of self identity; just as an individual grasps at certain thoughts believing these thoughts 'belong' to him/her/it. Thus exacerbating ideas and resulting experiences of separation.
By and by after the accumulation of many of these ideas and beliefs, which began to cause more and more confusion, the original seeds, now clothed in form, began a process of seeking the truth that would dispel their bewilderment (there is always a state of bewilderment that accompanies beliefs in separation, albeit below the surface). They became attracted to Earth so that they could be provided with an opportunity to escape the illusion of separation and were given incarnation there in accord with the sum of their thoughts and actions.
This special planet of Earth was given form by the One as an expression of beauty, love and giving, embodied in a stunning green/blue gem like sphere suspended in the perfect blackness. It demonstrates qualities of abundance, nurturing and unconditional giving. It embodies a spirit known as Prakriti or Nature – a special being that is in the service of the One but can be transcended through mastery of the mind and the recovery of the pathways that lead to the true lineage of God in human. Earth is also a flawless demonstration of changing conditions and therefore provides a perfect backdrop of circumstnces that can be utilised to dispel illusion, if correctly used! Many planets in our solar system and also the central star - our sun, is in service to the mother Earth because of her agreement to provide these doorways and portals of escape for those who are trapped in illusion.
Although Earth appears to be solid and real, it is a hologaphic image projected onto our flat universe. Earth provides many gateways that are not offered by any other solar systems. It has always been a planet that many have desired to conquer and rule because of its outstanding beauty and natural resource, but has been granted special protection due to its service to the One and this is why souls are queuing up to be here now - because we are nearing the time of Disclosure, or Revelation; a grand event where all beings would like to be present. As we shift into high gear, we are about to be given an opportunity for the convergence of all into One.
This means that all the lifetimes we thought we have lived will be revealed as only One. All the characters, personalities and different visual forms we played out will be revealed only as One and all sources of life and existence will be pin pointed into only One. Time is about to collapse and fold in onto itself as we hurtle toward the withdrawal of all apparent creation and the revelation of our original lineage.
This need not manifest as physical destruction but is rather like the Father/Mother coming to collect her children and bring them back to the bosom of origin. Many people have these theories of how the world will end but no-one knows for sure; it is a mystery that will spontaneously be revealed at the appointed time and not before. This time can be at any moment. When all the apparent separate moments bleed into one, you will be Home and the drama will be over. The definition of drama is time and location based and has nothing to do with events.
The mystery of cause, effect synchronicity and time, and the culmination of these ideas present many faces at every moment and conjour ideas about the future: So the whole world asks 'what will happen to me?' It may be that you will not be able to take your apparent body to this re-union as it may be too gross in frequency to pass through the non-carnal eye of the needle. It may be that you will be gifted with the secret of resurrection and transmogrify your flesh into a subtle illuminated form that will be able to shift in dimensions, from low to higher, and remain intact. It may be that you will totally drop the body and be provided with a new form that will continue life in another dimension. It may also be that it has already finished and all that remains is the residual memory that is playing itself out, soon to be revealed for what it is, as the knowledge and awareness of your true location is spontaneously disclosed.
Many people envision the changes as dramatic and perhaps traumatic, but this is very dependent upon the thoughts you hold about your apparent present reality. For example, if you believe that you will die, it is likely that you will undergo much mental suffering as a result of that belief and manifest a death sequence that will culminate in your so-called termination; thus fulfilling your own creative impulses. The curse of death has been with us for countless millennia and is a difficult pattern to shift because of the habitual release of the death hormone whose reaction is embedded deep in our DNA but not as deep as the seed that marks our true lineage. Hoever, this knee jerk reaction of 'death stress' again comes from the belief that we are alone and separate and thus is the root cause of all delusion.
We have brainwashed ourselves into believing that we are individual entities that come from different places and different cultures etc. and although this is true on one level – a more surface level, in the heart of all things there is only one lineage – the lineage of light from whence all came forth. This light was processed and facilitated into reflections of various holograms, images, sounds and so forth – but all of these manifestations are illusions projected forth by the One, allowing us to make adjustments in accordance with our experiences and beliefs, thus creating the APPEARANCE of varying phenomena.
Over the aeons, we have become caught up in the illusions that we have projected and have thus entrapped ourselves in a never ending cycle of perpetuation of falsehood and belief in these ideas. Now is the eve of withdrawal back into the black hole of light from whence our original spark or seed emerged. The grand source is about to inhale at the end of a cycle of apparent separation bringing about a state that we have no reference point for. This void is the strand of God’s mind that is within yours and lies waiting to be revealed to your consciousness at the appointed time. But even this is only the breath of the One and not the One itself which cannot be perceived. We will touch base with its magnificence and possibly retain the memory of the event as a living entity within us, using it to create something more spectacular than we have ever imagined.
Just as we were once able to communicate with nature; now we will have an in-road to the WHOLE of creation whereby there will be a GRAND link up with ALL sentient beings for those who are willing to OPEN their circuits to this event.
Apparently there will soon be an equal number of humans on this planet as there are circuits in the brain. According to some spiritual scriptures, ascension will not occur until all souls are present on the earth plane. That is, all souls that have been part of the repeating cycle which the Buddhists know as Samsara.
Like a giant turning key, when all facets are in perfect measure and placement, certain portals will open momentarily for energies to pass through various points, inviting you into eternity where time and space are colapsed. This once in your life-time occurrence will facilitate escape from the repeating projection of illusory reality and allow a shattering of the reflection of consciousness into billions of chards which will fly home like migrating stars to be re-united
with the One
You need help!