Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Karma Ends Here

Oops, everything has gone non-linear and is appearing not to follow any rational course of events like it used to in the past.

Whereas one was previously able to make plans and follow them to an apparent logical conclusion, now it appears that 1+1 =3 or any other random number that might pop up without any reason.

Our little reign of the ‘I’ is almost over and along with it, our small dreams of ‘ruling the world’, being successful and any other self seeking pursuits we might have cherished, (that's 'Self seeking' with a large S, not self inquiry!) If we find this prospect grim and ‘negative’ it’s only because we are still in the clutches of ‘I, me, myself’ and are therefore still seeking some kind of resolution or conclusion to the endless dilemma that has plagued the mind ever since we stepped out of wholeness and into separation.

As soon as there is separation, there is seeking for wholeness and even though wholeness has never actually gone anywhere and has always been with us in plain view; that single tiny mad thought which hurled us into the dark reaches of aloneness has held its empire fast for countless millennia. It has imprisoned the senses and used them as its allies to keep us locked in a world of separation.

I never was much of a mathematician but if I were to give an equation for the current state, it would be something like this:

1 + 1 = 2, OR separation and aloneness (with a huge dose of guilt because we believe we’ve messed things up!) But it cannot be ‘solved’ by 2-1 to = 1 again, because that would still equal separation and aloneness. This is because the ego self or ‘I’ cannot subtract ‘I’ from itself, it cannot annihilate itself and in fact fears its own extinction most of all, so it NEVER can or will end its own reign over its imaginary world; in other words, unity or oneness cannot be entered into from a state of duality: It already IS. Therefore the only possible standpoint is to ‘see’ 1, as it is and has always been.

The moment is fast approaching where all will be revealed.

What this means in so called practical terms is that ‘mine’ and ‘your’ worlds are falling apart. There is no rhyme or reason in this and the more you try to find one, the more it slips out of your personal reach. All the beliefs and thoughts we have had about life and reality are being dismantled and although this may appear to be happening rather ruthlessly, (or wather wuthlessly if you speak like Jonathan Ross), it only appears this way because we have held on to these flimsy ideas for so long that we have forgotten our true identity and settled for a shadowy excuse for being alive.

Although, strictly speaking, we cannot enter oneness from two-ness, we can move towards the edge of the veil of duality and make a degree of preparation through willingness and readiness for Grace to come and pluck us out of the cycle at some random moment. This apparent movement seems to be occurring on a collective level with various structures falling down and coming to an end both externally and internally. The increasing revelation that there is NOTHING that we can do about ANY of this, is an enormous shock and disillusionment for the egoic ‘I’ self which has delusion ally believed that ‘he’ is in control of it all. Now, he must watch helplessly while the walls of his Jericho tumble down.

This ‘un-doing’ is a pivotal point in the evolution of the image of humankind, for although in the grand unlimited spectrum of all, nothing has or is actually happening, the appearance of this series of small and large events serves to shake down the ego, enough for oneness to override the illusion of duality and express the idea of ‘salvation’. This will bring the idea of cause an effect to an abrupt end, for it is only through cause and effect that we are kept imprisoned in the suffering of Samsara.

The mind is addicted to cause and effect, or, to put it another way, seeking resolution to its apparent separate state. If you doubt this, just sit quietly without external distractions and observe it for 5 minutes. You will notice that images and ideas bombard the mind constantly and due to egoic interference we imagine that these thoughts belong to us and are all seeking a conclusion and a destination. From this root delusion; i.e., that we must ‘do something’ about ‘our’ thoughts, the whole idea of sickness arises: I feel a sensation and memory tells me that it must be ‘this or that’; e.g., a sore throat must be a cold, an aching joint must be arthritis etc, etc, and therefore this or that will happen as a result of having this ailment or disease. Thus, my thought has reached a destination and I have drawn conclusions about the initial idea, placing it in a group of like ideas, in this case, ideas about disease, and constructing an imaginary reality about that thought.

It may seem to you that you have not ‘done’ anything except made some judgements and drawn various conclusions but this in itself is a subtle act of doing and creates division, fragments and factions; setting some thoughts up against others, e.g., good and bad, right and wrong, success and failure, and so on. Eventually, these thoughts are manifested in speech “I’m getting a cold”, and then in actions, “I’m going to the Dr.” These thoughts, conclusions and resulting actions run our world and form powerful imprints in our minds that become habituated into behaviours like anger, leading to thoughts and actions of vengeance. The ultimate manifestation of division is WAR, against ourselves and others.

The mind will ask of course ‘What can I do to fix it?’ and herein lies the problem; the more ‘you’ try to fix it, the more dualistic it will become because seeking to change something and make it ‘become’ something other than itself is perpetuating the cycle of cause and effect.

And if you follow this line of reasoning, the ultimate question must be:

Ask this question, but do not think about the answer; do not answer with your mind and see what happens. By and by, you will see, you are NOT your thoughts.

We have reached the edge of the precipice; the end of karma: it is a place where the mind and the intellect cannot go. It is a place where thoughts do not own you nor do you identify with them; it is the place where all dreams begin and end and all identities fold in, fall away and diminish into the emptiness from whence they came.

Those who wish to perpetuate the continuation of cause and effect will continue to look for reasons and make adjustments to the ‘dream’; they will continue to identify with anger, fear and desire. Whereas those who wish to be freed will stand very still and allow the wave of actions and reactions to wash over them whilst they maintain focus on the arising and passing of various sensations that appear to be experienced within the field of the body.

And then, at the appointed moment, will jump into the waiting arms of consciousness and be caught with the unconditional love that has been waiting for us


You cannot make it happen

But you can be willing and available

May we all fly like free birds
And end the cycle of suffering

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Guiltless and Free

There never really was a fall from grace. All that happened is a thought about separation which expanded into an entire scenario and became an imaginary continuum. Did you do anything wrong? No, because there never was anyone there to do anything. In actuality nothing happened- or is happening- except projections on a neutral screen of a movie called ‘my life’.

And yet the judgement of ourselves for what we feel is the responsibility – or more accurately – the reaction, to separating ourselves from the One Source is a life time of self inflicted pain; in every way we can imagine plus a few extra ones thrown in when the cat o’ nine tails wears out. (For those who have no idea what this is, it’s a type of multi-tailed whipping device that originated as an implement for severe physical punishment).

The pain of making ourselves ill, driving ourselves into the ground with achievement to reach a place where we feel better about ‘me’, punishing ourselves with diets, exercise, restrictions and endless judgements about how ‘bad’ we are, how ‘unlovable’ we are, how we can never be happy until… etc, etc. These are all the bitter grapes of a mind that is constantly reacting to a deep and often imperceptible state of guilt.

But you didn’t do anything wrong and there is no-one who is going to rack you to a cross and crucify you.

Except that is, yourself.

Recently, a realisation arose in my mind. It was that in all these seeming years on my journey through the apparent passage of time, I have lived in reaction to something. First it seems that these reactions are gross, for instance, I receive a bill and have to generate income to pay it, or I have an illness and go to the Dr. for medication, or another apparent someone crashes into ‘my’ car and I react by getting out and jumping up and down like a baboon. But the more layers that got peeled off through meditation, especially the Vipassana technique, the more I saw that these were simply guises for a less perceptible, more subtle disturbance in the flow of things. In other words, reactions within reactions!

Focusing awareness yet deeper, a primal chasm was revealed that had an association with separation from a singularity and a subsequent creation of ‘me’. This so called independent creation, supposedly invented by ‘me’, constantly expresses its fundamental flaw in the continual discomfort of separation; which is guilt and then judgement plus shame. This very low frequency state, i.e., guilt, has been defined as:
‘A feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offence, crime, wrong, etc., whether real or imagined.’ Emphasis on imagined!

It is fundamentally flawed because it is based on the illusion that we are separate entities in control of our lives, performing a series of actions for which we are completely and irreversibly responsible.

For some, to contemplate a life without guilt would cause a reaction of anger as they immediately reel from the idea that everyone is guiltless. Because who would be responsible for everything that is wrong with the world and especially all the things that were/are done to ‘me’ and ‘my’ loved ones. Not to mention, it would bring an end to all the Jerry Springer, Trisha, Jeremy Kyle BS shows in which people in supposed modern day situations are thrown to the lions of ignorance where they are judged en masse and given some version of a sentence. (Has anything really changed since biblical times?) We are actually quite addicted to it and find it hard to contemplate life without it.

The anger that arises in the mind when it is affronted with the idea that we are not what we think we are and neither is the so called ‘tangible’ world, is the consequence of limiting yourself to a set of circumstances and then, believing in them whole heartedly to the point where the constrictions of your ‘movie’ run your life. I.e., ‘I’ am human, this is ‘my’ life, this is my family, my house, my car, and my job and these are my things. These people are ‘good’, these people are ‘bad’. Anything that threatens ‘me’ and ‘mine’ is BAD and anything that enhances my idea of happiness is ‘GOOD’. I watch the news and judge that these events I have heard about are ‘bad’, therefore, the ones who I believe have perpetrated them are also ‘bad’ and deserve punishment. And so on and so forth until there are layers upon layers of stories about all kinds of imaginary things.

It is endless; it is reactive; it perpetuates the cycle of guilt, revenge and suffering… and it is all occurring within the realm of perception. In fact, it’s all back to front just like Alice’s wonderland. Just a quick note here: I’m sure you remember from human biology at school that when light photons are projected into your eyes that your initial perception sees things upside down. It is only when the brain turns them the right way up that you ‘see’ what it is you think you are seeing. And our whole lives are lived back to front where we really believe that we are the victim of these image-inary perceptions

Of course, the instant reaction, when one has become aware of such flaws in our ‘reality’ is ‘well, how do ‘I’ fix it? And hence another cycle of events around ‘fixing it’ begin. But the truth is; you CAN’T fix it. Think of it in this way. If you were watching a film at the cinema, you wouldn’t try to fix it but merely enjoy it (or not ,if it’s crap!) and in any case observe it. The reason you wouldn’t care too much to fix it is because you would be aware that it s just a film, not a reality.

The ‘way out’ sign hangs over the spontaneous realisation that ‘I’ and everything in ‘my’ world is absolutely illusory – a phantom of smoke in the mist that can suddenly disappear as if it were nothing. However, this 'seeing' of the way things are rather than as you would like them to be is absolutely impossible to grasp with the ‘I’ because it is continuously occurring outside the format of ‘I’. Like a niggling itch that cannot be scratched, the ‘I’ forever seeks the dissolution of itself but through its seeking, ensures it will never attain the liberation it desires. Liberation is constantly and freely offered through every nuance of life itself but ‘you’ cannot have it. This is the grand paradox; it cannot be done. It can be, however, reached for with intent and the decision of renunciation.

Contrary to accepted belief, renunciation is not about reducing your wardrobe to a loin cloth and living alone in the wilderness with no external needs except the occasional handful of rice. Renunciation is more about recognising that what the world is offering absolutely cannot give you lasting happiness, freedom or anything that is permanently worthwhile or meaningful. You might protest and say – well what about this or that, what about love? But is love really an offering from the world, or an inner state that has nothing to do with externalities? Most of the deepest and most meaningful incidents in our lives happen outside of time and space, often through a mysterious movement of grace, and have nothing to do with the world, but in the true style of one who is imprisoned in the dream, we continue to credit them to the ‘world’: ‘If only I can get/have, then I’ll be happy…’. It is all a type of seeking, from coveting a gold plated Rolls Royce to attaining enlightenment.

In the cycle of suffering much is promised but very little is actually delivered and we remain in a constant state of longing for that ‘one thing’ that is going to end the constant search; the ‘one thing’ that will make it alright so that we may lay down our heads and finally get some real peace. We say, ‘that’s the way life is, that’s the way humans are’ etc. If you are content to live out your life in this manner then please, with all the goodwill in the world, go ahead. Traipsing down a path as narrow as a razor’s edge isn’t everyone’s idea of fun (not even mine) and there’s no guarantee of any results in this life or even the next 1,000 but if you are compelled then what can be done?

And this brings us back to the choicelessness of what you are. You may think you are in control, that you make decisions about this or that and choose different things and this is all true, in the dream. But when you awaken from that dream, you see that these choices held no substance because the scenario in which they ywere played out was entirely illusory. Nothing happened; You are not what you think and this so called ‘reality’ is not what it seems but one thing is for sure and that is, you are not guilty of anything at all.

In the cycling and re-cycling of souls we have all been everyone and done everything; played all the roles and are now ready for the final part of the play. It is the role of self forgiveness because your innocence is and always has been perfectly intact; what you have always searched for is right here. The difference between this time and the ‘old school days’ is that liberation is readily available in any moment now. Your case is dismissed. You can go Home! Any moment you start to see the stage instead of the actors, the screen instead of the movie. Any moment you see the background instead of the foreground which is where the quiet revolution is constantly and effortlessly occurring, offering itself to be seen…

Any moment now…

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

The Choicelessness of What you are

The illusion of choice is one of the greatest fabrications projected from and onto the human mind. It is the idea that keeps you searching and struggling when the truth is infinitely and eternally simple and ever present.

If I were an egomaniac – and, make no mistake, ‘I’ am, I would want to be in control of all things in the range of my awareness and choose among the illusion of infinite possibilities that are presented by my perception so that I could maintain a charade of power over ‘my’ domain at all times.

But what would be the purpose of such limiting behaviour?

A sense of security for the illusion of the I; a crazy idea that ‘I’ will live forever; some insane belief that ‘my’ domain is indestructible and the maddest of all, that ‘I’ can take ‘your’ energy, make it my own, conquer ‘you’ and increase ‘my’ power and, of course, rule the world.

Now that’s what I call ridiculously deluded, but it’s a game that we love to play. In fact, we’ve played it for so long with such gusto that we really, really, believe in its authenticity and have all kinds of ideas invested in this chimera. Actually, we are obsessed with these games and take them very seriously indeed. All of these games are about power rather than love. One of the things associated with taking power from others is the recurring dream about MONEY. This particular illusion causes more neurosis than almost anything else and is actually the cause of disruption, destruction, death and any other negative position you can think of that begins with ‘d’ (if your short on pointless activities to pass illusory time).

Everything around it is extremely sombre. For instance, ‘I’ (at least I think it was me), was walking home one day when I saw a security man transferring money from a bank in an armoured case, to an armoured car with an armoured expression on his stony face. He had various weapons about him, including a truncheon and a gun – notice money and guns are often seen together- just in case someone came to relieve him of the paper squares with pictures on them, which were locked in this reinforced container. People who attempt this are often placed in other reinforced containers or violently assaulted with weapons, and then their faces are broadcast on the television or in the newspapers.

I just wanted to burst out laughing, it was so comical to witness the bizarre appearance of this clumpy man and his artillery in a high street filled with people trying to improve their lives by purchasing items of limited use. They were also carrying paper squares with pictures on them, but theirs were ‘legally owned’ ‘ because they were ‘earned’ by performing activities known as ‘work’ and they were therefore permitted to possess these paper squares until they were exchanged for objects. After this, the paper shapes would again be returned to the bank where they would later be carried out in another re-enforced box, ad infinitum.

Sounds utterly preposterous when you put it that way but the world wants you to be so stressed about money that you can’t see straight. There’s a stupid game we all take part in called; ‘listen to me whine about my bills’. In this game, the players make depressed, anxious faces and bleat at great lengths about their lot and how hard it is for them to survive in the world. In the midst of this, their features usually contort and display a great deal of tension. Many of the people who take part in this game do have some money and are usually able to meet their basic needs, but there is a struggle related with their version of life that they believe comes down to the paper squares with someone’s face on them.

The point is, that it is the association that causes the depression, not the object that it is projected on. I recently decided, that after years of not having very much money – i.e. the kind of amount that can purchase luxury items of greater financial value than those purchased at, say, shops where items are normally made of low grade polyester, that I would conduct an experiment or, if you like, play a game called, ‘I am rich’. In this game, I would conduct behaviours that emanated the performances of the extremely prosperous and thereby magnetise my surrounding field to draw financial abundance in my general direction. This would accomplish 2 things: 1. it would break the spell that I have projected upon myself concerning belief in poverty and 2. It would provide me with enough paper squares to accomplish feats that required greater amounts of them… I’ll keep you informed on results!

Contrary to what the world wants you to believe, money does not save lives nor make anything better but might merely provide an energetic means to anaesthetise you to the conditions of the dream and make them seemingly more pleasant to tolerate.

Bear with me; I am getting to a point

Another game that is frequently played is ‘I am the authority and you are under my jurisdiction.’ In this game, burly people with very stern faces exhibit hostile behaviour with the intent to make you feel intimidated so that you may cower in their presence and possibly confess to some crime you had absolutely no association with (yet another game called crime and punishment).

For example, you travel to a foreign country, say, the USA. You arrive at the passport control and are interrogated by men or women with very; very serious faces asking very, very serious questions in robotically monotonous voices that make you query whether their original forms have been replaced by pod men in the middle of the night. The inquiries are usually concerning ‘the nature of your visit to the U.S. because everyone who isn’t ‘me’ is a potential terrorist. ‘You may be carrying sharp items in your luggage such as eyebrow tweezers or toothpicks with which you may perform crimes that constitute a threat to the welfare of the state and therefore I must ask you to come with me’. Well, guess what; the dictionary defines terrorism as: ‘a person who terrorises or frightens others’ and trust me, after an encounter with the American inquisition, you will definitely feel terrorised.

Yes my friends, we have become so wrapped up in these BS stories that we are falling further and further into the bottomless pit called ‘my narcissistic neuroses’ (and friends). So how did we come to this?

Well, let’s see:
Once upon a time there were these life forms that became so used to believing in separation that they started to think that they were real people with real lives who owned houses, cars, children; had jobs, relationships; got ill, grew old and died– And these people started playing more complicated roles because they forgot what they really were and where they had come from. Eventually they became so wrapped up in their own BS, they actually started trying to destroy each others projections in an effort to uphold the pretence around their silly stories, eliminating anything that might threaten their illusion… and this, in a nutshell, is the definition of life in our world.

If you think that this could not possibly be us try this quick quiz:

Quiz title: Are you willing to let go of everything that defines you and fall helplessly into the bottomless pit called zero with absolutely no assurance of survival…

1. Someone disagrees with absolutely everything you stand for. Do you
a) Shoot him
b) Take him to a Japanese torture camp and systematically brainwash him until he doesn’t know who he is anymore and agrees with anything and everything you say
c) Watch crap soaps on TV until your eyes turn square and you can’t remember who you are , who he is and what he disagreed with in the first place

2. Someone bashes a hole in your car door with a large hammer. Would you
a) Bash a hole in their head with a larger hammer
b) Sell them as a slave to the black market slave trade and reimburse your car fees
c) Have a cold one and forget about it

3. You have everything you’ve ever worked for and owned swallowed up by a huge tsunami called the taxman. Would you:
a) Rob a Mafiosi member and reimburse yourself
b) Wail to God until you sound like Rod Stewart and then get a mullet to complete the image
c) Have cup of tea, eat Mr Kipling’s cakes and contemplate life without any possessions

4. A huge mammoth like creature comes out of a space ship in the middle of the night and demands your lifelong allegiance to a cause you’ve never heard of. Would you:
a) Finally use your years of geek study and speak to it in Mammothian Yekula pointing out the errors in the spaceship landing and how you could swap navigation lessons for your freedom
b) Explode the weapons of mass destruction you have had hiding in your cellar in the event of times such as these
c) Tell him you need to go to the bathroom and slip out the back way for a swift half at the local. Once there mull over the implications of sharing the planet with large mammothites and whether or not they would hog the remote on TV nights

(Note: this ridiculous quiz does not bear any relation to anything at all and is merely there for distraction and entertainment purposes in the bland hope that we might forget about our neurosis for an instant and slip into holy awakening)

I could go on but I think I’ve drivelled enough…

Furthermore, there are stories about lots of other things like lawsuits, domestic feuds, robberies, riots, politics: a quick word here -this is actually a very entertaining game where the actors conduct a play full of twisted half truths, unfulfilled promises, bluffs and gargantuan mistakes followed by limp apologies and never enough compensation. These displays are generally performed by players who believe that putting on a stripy blue suit alone should win them an Oscar but they are, in fact the most delusional of the entire array of contenders – next to the religious fanatics. Other stories include relationships, careers, the pharmaceutical industry, different kinds of animal flu and their own special vaccinations, spiritual seeking, new- ageism, drug and other addictions and so on and on, and on; all of these taking place all over the vast stage called ‘the world’.

As hugely tragic or entertaining as it may appear to be, once we have played our roles with vigour and expectation, we will always find that all that is waiting for us is a laughing skull where our face used to be, which although bears a grotesque countenance, is at least the only loyal chaperone when all the others have gone. No winner ever takes anything home because there are no winners, losers or reality in any duality. All there ever was and is, is existence playing roles through reflections of light; having a relationship with itself through the idea of you and the story of your life.

Which brings us back to the start; it’s a choiceless observation that cannot be grasped. It cannot be controlled or managed or altered in any way.

It doesn’t matter what you do to adjust the ever-changing to suit your needs, it’s like trying to catch flour with a sieve. Better to realise that I am that.

In the dead of the night, I surrendered all ideas to the great swirl of electric existence
Sensations arose and passed away
History was made and ended
And another story began.

With or without me

It made no difference…

Sunday, 29 August 2010

What in the World…

It’s been a little while I know….but I have been trying to strike a balance between a) the OC desire to seek ways of settling into comfort amidst the current bedlam of changes, and b) cultivating the art of mere and utter acceptance of what is happening right now without any embellishments (which seems to involve a lot of involutary twitching.) By the way, OC = obsessive compulsive, not Orange County or any text abbreviation you might think of.

I have been listening to the non dualists speak about their experiences of awakening from the dream. It’s very unworldly listening to these people speak about not existing but still being there as the background of what is happening, because it has a rather unhinging effect on the ‘I’, causing it to slip in and out of perception when you're not looking. Yes, it is terribly confusing for the OC mind that needs a rational explanation for everything. The nature of the egoic mind is to label, refer, understand and own. If it cannot do this, it becomes very agitated; note the increasing agitation of the ‘world’ as we desperately try to ‘make sense’ of the worrying events that seem to be occurring at great speed - although this is ultimately an agitation occurring in your own perception, it does not make it any easier to bear.

But the fact that these ideas about ‘reality’ are appearing in my life leads me to question why now and how do they fit into the frameless picture of everything? When I first started this so called path, I was told by certain teachers that this dawning of the new age that is being spoken of would be a recycling of a Golden Age, which has occurred many times before and continues to recur over and over again. This pure age will herald a time where people would drink nectar out of flowers and walk in the elysian fields of bliss. In accordance with this belief, many groups are attempting to bring about the manifestation of such an age by putting out the thought processes that will draw like energies and therefore create a manifestation. http://thesatyug.blogspot.com/ (paste link)

Concurrently, there is also an undeniable attraction that has recently overwhelmed my being and draws towards Adviata Vedanta or the non-dualists. By contrast to those who are focusing on repeating the cycle and bringing about the repetition of the Golden Age, Advaita is completely naked, with no frills, no references to any future or past and fully experiential right now. The experience of non duality is final with no returns and brings about a permanent end of dreaming.

The question is; will this new Golden Age that is supposedly so close on the horizon, just be a continuation of the dream, albeit a pleasant one? Or will we be functioning in an apparent world, fully awake and aware of the boundless unconditional love that animates all of existence.

And if it is a question of just repeating the cycle until we again degrade our purity and once again move into another Iron Age or age of pollution on all levels, then what would be the point of that? Would it not just be another illusion that we are buying into?

Every spiritual order has their view on how the world will end/change/evolve but it is also equally possible, if not probable, that no-one knows for sure and we may all be in for an impressive surprise. Even though some may vehemently assert that they have received their messages from the mouth of God itself, there is still no guarantee that what they have received is absolute. One has to consider that thoughts are the culprit here and since it is impossible to know the truth through your intellect – no matter how pure, perhaps the real purpose of all these stories, predictions and ideas, is to eliminate the mind by driving it hysterically insane, so that it might involuntary step to one side and allow the real obvious secret to be seen. And that is, that none of this really matters because perfection and unconditional love are not really concerned with an outcome that will give assurance to the human mind and it’s longing to be pleasantly satisfied at all costs.

That said, all of this could be a preparation for each apparent ‘one’ of us to break out of our mental prisons and witness the grand dissolution of all things from a place where there is no individual concern – or even where there is no individual present; i.e., no sense of ‘I’.

I have written of how we are possibly the manifestors of all that appears to be, and on some level, that is true. It may be that an apparent global event will spontaneously, simultaneously and synchronistically occur that will remove all blinkers at once and in so doing, bring about the sudden witnessing of all objects as they really are and not as we would like them to be. This would be an actual demonstration that nothing ‘out there’ has any inherent existence of its own and is a full projection of the collection of our owned thoughts and beliefs. This is the marvel of the dream; its complexity and its hypnotic glamour. Such potent seeing would of course instantly end all things that are based on inaccurate or invalid perception and perhaps THIS is what is meant by the end of the world because it would indeed terminate the ideas and illusions we hold about a thing called ‘the world’.

How Will the World End? According to 'A Course in Miracles':
“Can what has no beginning really end? The world will end in an illusion, as it began. Yet will its ending be an illusion of mercy. The illusion of forgiveness, complete, excluding no one, limitless in gentleness, will cover it, hiding all evil, concealing all sin and ending guilt forever. So ends the world that guilt had made, for now it has no purpose and is gone.”

If you find this too wordy and evasive to grasp, consider the words of Richard Bach:
“The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.”

So I'll leave you with this parting thought: If there is no ‘you’, can there really be a ‘world’? When a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, the caterpillar is no more, and neither is the world of its perception.

Until next time...

Thursday, 12 August 2010

WTF is going on: Grand Reunion

WTF is going on: Grand Reunion: "This week’s blog is a pure channelled message about the return to our true lineage. I cannot give you its source because I honestly do not k..."

Grand Reunion

This week’s blog is a pure channelled message about the return to our true lineage. I cannot give you its source because I honestly do not know where it came from. I understand that it will not be everyones 'cup of tea' and some of you may find these words difficult if not impossible to relate to, whereas others may dismiss it as utter poppycock. I trust that some will resonate with the frequency behind the words. It is also possible that I will read it in a week and think 'Eh! What was that???'...Still, I'm only a messenger and needs must relate what is transmitted to me lest I neglect my purpose...So here is what was given to me to be passed on. I hope it twangs some inner strings.

Many, many aeons ago, at the perceived beginning of all things, seeds of light were issued forth from the grand vortex of light and began a very long journey through layers and levels of creation where none - in that particular formation - have ever ventured before. They were dispatched to other solar systems in this galaxy and beyond where they claimed various forms both in gross and subtle matter and lived out life spans in accordance to the frequency they chose to incarnate into.

After numerous cycles and adjustments to form and visits to other solar systems where they again lived out life spans in accordance with those frequencies; they came to Earth.

By this time, the original seeds of light had grown in personal will and had accumulated many layers of memory that gave them the illusion that they were now seperate entities from the original light vortex. They believed that they descended from certain lineages and as seperate entities had undergone certain individual and collective experiences. All of these beliefs caused rigidities to occur in their mental continuum, which were then held onto as part of self identity; just as an individual grasps at certain thoughts believing these thoughts 'belong' to him/her/it. Thus exacerbating ideas and resulting experiences of separation.

By and by after the accumulation of many of these ideas and beliefs, which began to cause more and more confusion, the original seeds, now clothed in form, began a process of seeking the truth that would dispel their bewilderment (there is always a state of bewilderment that accompanies beliefs in separation, albeit below the surface). They became attracted to Earth so that they could be provided with an opportunity to escape the illusion of separation and were given incarnation there in accord with the sum of their thoughts and actions.

This special planet of Earth was given form by the One as an expression of beauty, love and giving, embodied in a stunning green/blue gem like sphere suspended in the perfect blackness. It demonstrates qualities of abundance, nurturing and unconditional giving. It embodies a spirit known as Prakriti or Nature – a special being that is in the service of the One but can be transcended through mastery of the mind and the recovery of the pathways that lead to the true lineage of God in human. Earth is also a flawless demonstration of changing conditions and therefore provides a perfect backdrop of circumstnces that can be utilised to dispel illusion, if correctly used! Many planets in our solar system and also the central star - our sun, is in service to the mother Earth because of her agreement to provide these doorways and portals of escape for those who are trapped in illusion.

Although Earth appears to be solid and real, it is a hologaphic image projected onto our flat universe. Earth provides many gateways that are not offered by any other solar systems. It has always been a planet that many have desired to conquer and rule because of its outstanding beauty and natural resource, but has been granted special protection due to its service to the One and this is why souls are queuing up to be here now - because we are nearing the time of Disclosure, or Revelation; a grand event where all beings would like to be present. As we shift into high gear, we are about to be given an opportunity for the convergence of all into One.

This means that all the lifetimes we thought we have lived will be revealed as only One. All the characters, personalities and different visual forms we played out will be revealed only as One and all sources of life and existence will be pin pointed into only One. Time is about to collapse and fold in onto itself as we hurtle toward the withdrawal of all apparent creation and the revelation of our original lineage.

This need not manifest as physical destruction but is rather like the Father/Mother coming to collect her children and bring them back to the bosom of origin. Many people have these theories of how the world will end but no-one knows for sure; it is a mystery that will spontaneously be revealed at the appointed time and not before. This time can be at any moment. When all the apparent separate moments bleed into one, you will be Home and the drama will be over. The definition of drama is time and location based and has nothing to do with events.

The mystery of cause, effect synchronicity and time, and the culmination of these ideas present many faces at every moment and conjour ideas about the future: So the whole world asks 'what will happen to me?' It may be that you will not be able to take your apparent body to this re-union as it may be too gross in frequency to pass through the non-carnal eye of the needle. It may be that you will be gifted with the secret of resurrection and transmogrify your flesh into a subtle illuminated form that will be able to shift in dimensions, from low to higher, and remain intact. It may be that you will totally drop the body and be provided with a new form that will continue life in another dimension. It may also be that it has already finished and all that remains is the residual memory that is playing itself out, soon to be revealed for what it is, as the knowledge and awareness of your true location is spontaneously disclosed.

Many people envision the changes as dramatic and perhaps traumatic, but this is very dependent upon the thoughts you hold about your apparent present reality. For example, if you believe that you will die, it is likely that you will undergo much mental suffering as a result of that belief and manifest a death sequence that will culminate in your so-called termination; thus fulfilling your own creative impulses. The curse of death has been with us for countless millennia and is a difficult pattern to shift because of the habitual release of the death hormone whose reaction is embedded deep in our DNA but not as deep as the seed that marks our true lineage. Hoever, this knee jerk reaction of 'death stress' again comes from the belief that we are alone and separate and thus is the root cause of all delusion.

We have brainwashed ourselves into believing that we are individual entities that come from different places and different cultures etc. and although this is true on one level – a more surface level, in the heart of all things there is only one lineage – the lineage of light from whence all came forth. This light was processed and facilitated into reflections of various holograms, images, sounds and so forth – but all of these manifestations are illusions projected forth by the One, allowing us to make adjustments in accordance with our experiences and beliefs, thus creating the APPEARANCE of varying phenomena.

Over the aeons, we have become caught up in the illusions that we have projected and have thus entrapped ourselves in a never ending cycle of perpetuation of falsehood and belief in these ideas. Now is the eve of withdrawal back into the black hole of light from whence our original spark or seed emerged. The grand source is about to inhale at the end of a cycle of apparent separation bringing about a state that we have no reference point for. This void is the strand of God’s mind that is within yours and lies waiting to be revealed to your consciousness at the appointed time. But even this is only the breath of the One and not the One itself which cannot be perceived. We will touch base with its magnificence and possibly retain the memory of the event as a living entity within us, using it to create something more spectacular than we have ever imagined.

Just as we were once able to communicate with nature; now we will have an in-road to the WHOLE of creation whereby there will be a GRAND link up with ALL sentient beings for those who are willing to OPEN their circuits to this event.
Apparently there will soon be an equal number of humans on this planet as there are circuits in the brain. According to some spiritual scriptures, ascension will not occur until all souls are present on the earth plane. That is, all souls that have been part of the repeating cycle which the Buddhists know as Samsara.

Like a giant turning key, when all facets are in perfect measure and placement, certain portals will open momentarily for energies to pass through various points, inviting you into eternity where time and space are colapsed. This once in your life-time occurrence will facilitate escape from the repeating projection of illusory reality and allow a shattering of the reflection of consciousness into billions of chards which will fly home like migrating stars to be re-united

with the One

Friday, 6 August 2010

The End of Dreaming

Having just watched the film ‘Inception’ which was, to say the least, a masterpiece which I will enthusiastically be added to my top 10 films of awakening, I was deeply moved and inspired to write a few words about the nature of reality.

Reality is not what you think it is, in fact most of us are in a state of ignorance as to the true nature of objects and of ourselves. What we think of as ‘reality’ couldn’t be further from the truth. In truth, we actually do not know what anything is, or what it is for. We have settled with believing in the labels and collective descriptions that we share with others who collude to propagate the same ‘reality’ as we do. And this is how we live and have lived since we became flesh upon this earthly plane!

In order to understand that we are asleep, we need a few reference points. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso says: “Just as all the fear, danger, and suffering we experience in a nightmare comes from not realizing that we are only dreaming, so all the fear and suffering we experience during our life comes from not seeing the real nature of our world and our experience. The world does not exist separately from the mind. Our conviction that things exist “out there”, independent of our mind, is the source of all our fear." http://www.dealingwithfear.org/root-of-fear.htm/

Before ‘awakening’ to Truth, one generally goes through a process of undoing or dismantlement where the things one believes in, which have been the basis of their stability, start to dissolve. Some spiritual teachers call this process ‘melting’ and it can be distressing and scary as well as thrilling and ecstatic – a little bit like riding a roller coaster with the most unpredictable driver you can imagine!

As we are stripped of our ideas about ‘reality’, the dream, i.e., the pretend ‘reality’ that we have been playing out so far, begins to reveal itself through a series of synchronistic clues. If the desire to awaken is conscious and willing on your part, these synchronicities will appear thick and fast. You may have noticed them. This is because, having expressed a desire to escape from the maze of illusion, you will now be provided with pointers and guidance to help you get out. Pay attention and you will begin to see them everywhere and in everything.

In the light of the immense swiftness of the current changes, everything has hastened to breakneck speed and the time delay between stimulation and response is closing fast. There is no longer available a leisurely amount of time in which to ponder your decisions and brace for your changes; it is as if the porthole through which we have been viewing ‘reality’ has become pin-point, forcing our focus into supreme intensity- definitely not for the faint hearted as will be revealed.

Welcome to the crash course in 'swim or sink'- also not for the faint heart: We will have to learn to surf the waves pretty damn quick, without giving our energy over to trying to make plans and worrying about outcomes – there simply isn’t enough stability for you to get your claws into anything substantial and try to control it. Once you have been assimilated by the enormous wave current that is driving us Home, you just have to let go and hope for the best. It’s an act of faith over fear; one is buoyant and the other… well we've all been down that road and know where it ends!

HOWEVER, the great consoling if not redeeming factor in amongst all this mayhem of frequencies and seemingly clashing vibrations is…


I am doing it to myself, and have been for as long as I have been aware that 'I' exist. I have separated myself from my own connected truth to One and bought into my own fantasy about life, existence and everything else that I think is ‘out there’ and now, it has to be undone. But here’s the rub, don’t be the victim of your own dream projection; don’t allow your phantoms and fears to usurp you from your sovereign throne and dictate your reality, or it will end in tears. If you find this difficult to grasp, let me remind you of an old Zen story…

Once upon a time there was a baby lion that fell into a herd of sheep and became part of their flock. When he grew up, he behaved like a sheep, even to the point of eating grass until one day an old lion captured him and took him to a pond, where he showed him his own reflection.

Many of us are like this lion - the image we have of ourselves does not come from our own direct experience but from the opinions of others. A "personality" that has been imposed from external society replaces the individuality that could have flourished from within. We become just another sheep in the herd, unable to move freely and unconscious of our own true identity. http://www.osho.com/magazine/tarot/TarotCardNew.cfm?All=Yes&Nr=16

We are kept in this state through the enforcement of fear, to further quote Osho; “Society cannot tolerate individuality, because individuality will not follow like a sheep. Society wants slaves, not people who are absolutely dedicated to freedom. Society wants slaves because all the vested interests want obedience … “

The tool of fear has been used for centuries to keep us in check until we ourselves have perpetuated it and inflicted ourselves with this debilitating disease of delusion. But what if you found out that you held the key to your freedom all along? What if, you realised that you were both the prisoner and the guardian of the gates? What would you do if you suddenly understood that you could have the peace of mind and happiness that you have always longed for: That there is no-one holding you back but your own beliefs and ideas about yourself? What would you do? How do you envision your freedom as a state of mind?

The world is full of discontented people who have been duped into thinking they can fill their inner void with something material, but I promise you, it can NEVER be filled by anything of the sort; no perfect job, relationship or lottery win will EVER fill that hole because it is a wound of the spirit and can only be healed by the spirit. We must understand this quickly and change our course so that we may sail into the oceans of bliss and away from the seas of purgatory. You have suffered enough. Now, shift the focus away from the causes of the rotation of this fruitless repetition of history.

You can make this a place of perfection by allowing your mind to align with the forces of light, love and the truth of your own sovereignty. This is not some hippy nonsense – that is also another form of brainwashing: ‘run down the ‘hippy dippy’ nonsense in the name of harsh ‘reality’; don’t believe in anything other than the material things that pervade to the senses.’ Have you ever asked yourself WHY so many dismiss the non-material? It has always been so, mysticism vs. science. Actually the church took over the realms of the mysterious and murdered anyone who came up with any ideas that questioned their own warped view in a futile attempt to retain control and for what? Yes, you guessed correctly yet again; money and power – the same old story which has kept us bound to suffering like twins joined at the hip.

Our addiction to misery is remarkable and heartbreaking because we are capable of so much more…

The root of all of this is our fear of the finite and ultimate annihilation, and beneath that, a terrible guilt that we have deserted the very thing that sustains us, and instead of honouring life, are the only species who in utter shamelessness, strikes down the living in the name of war and other atrocities.

It will end when we want it to. We must understand that our thoughts are in the driving seat of this nightmarish dream.

And here comes the moment of truth. It is visible on the horizon and getting closer with every breath. .. I see you … But here’s the thing, you no longer have to follow suit and perpetuate any more of this self fulfilling nonsense. Have the courage to think differently and break the cycle of action and reaction.

How will the world end? However we want it to and it needn’t be an ending but a beginning. Do not buy into apocalyptic thoughts and fears or they will manifest from the power of your unconscious thoughts. This is YOUR dream; it belongs to no-one else. Start to become creative within your dream rather than helplessly allowing your thoughts to run riot and project more suffering into the dream. No-one is controlling you - you have merely allowed yourself to be led to BELIEVE that you are restrained and limited.

But the time for liberation is NOW! You must break free from the cycle of fear and reaction. This is absolutely necessary if you want to experience REAL happiness and REAL peace – the kind that does not depend on external factors which are always unstable and changing; the kind that will be with you until the end of all time and beyond. Do not waste yourself trying to tame a hurricane, just learn to stand in the eye of the storm and be at peace.

The time when the meaning of ‘reality’ will be revealed to us is close at hand.

I had a dream of awakening
And woke up to find the Truth

May your inner wisdom arise like a silent storm
And lead you through the open gates

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Lift up your Hearts…and Hold on to your Hats (The roller coaster is heading for a BIG dip)

Is it just another ordinary week for you where everything is routine, commonplace and run of the mill, or can you feel the sheer emblazoned potency of that impending cardinal grand cross which is growing in intensity every second and is set to reach full climax on Saturday 7th August 2010?
To quote one astrologer regarding this weekend’s Grand Cross:

“…there is likely to be high tension, deep upset and plenty of conflict, possibly resulting in major political, social and religious change, even to the collapse of old institutions and the loud, difficult birth of new ones.”

There is a huge amount of planetary activity, where the celestial bodies are doing things they haven’t done for millennia and according to astrologers this activity is going to amplify all the way to 21/12/12. Since the eclipses of June 26th 2010, the energy has been increasing. It is as if forces are supplying one more big push to help us utilise our choices. This energy easily has the ability to knock you off your centre of balance and needs to be made use of in an intelligent and thoughtful way.

What does this mean for us? Well, it feels as if the troops are lining up for the final face off and this time it’s inescapable. Yes my friends, our thought waves have accumulated in the ethers and, as the majority of them are too heavy to ascend off into the angelic realms, they have been dumped back into our plane by their own sheer density and are beginning to physically manifest into a drama that will make all other dramas look like a tea party with fairy cakes. The veil of ignorance is about to be lifted and we will soon discover that it has been US all along; we are responsible for the way things are because the magnetic attraction of our thoughts and previous actions have made it so; WE have created the causes of our own apparent destiny. Yes, we have done it to ourselves and now, we have to clean it up – or else!

But does that mean that suffering, doom and gloom is our only inevitable destiny? Although world events smack of an impending collapse of everything that we believe has kept our lives together up until now, our fate have not yet been sealed; the warriors are still marching out and haven’t all chosen their sides yet. Here at the eleventh hour, there is still time to decide upon your stance. But this is a very different kind of battle to the ones documented in the books of history we seem to base our future navigations on. THIS is a battle of FREQUENCY.

It has certain dependent factors, for example, in Buddhist texts, karma or potential for re-action is not activated until an action is complete. So if you are in the process of stealing, say, your action will not be complete until you consider the object to be yours. We can use this same example for all our actions. The particularity of this time however, is the very factor of TIME – also an illusion but a very convincing one!

When the biblical texts spoke of Judgement Day, many thought it was referring to a day where punishment would be meted out to the perpetrators of wrongful acts, but during a recent meditation I was given an insight. This insight told me that Judgement Day referred to a time rather than a day where CONSEQUENCES would arise to balance transmissions of frequency without any delay. I.e., whenever you have a thought that leads to performing a corresponding action, you are sending out a level of energetic vibration. Each thought leading to an action had a corresponding level of energetic vibration. For more information on this you could consider the work of Dr David Hawkins who has founded the map of human consciousness.

During this point, the period of time between perpetrating an action and its consequence, would be greatly diminished, leaving like to attract like with incredible swiftness. The consequences or REACTIONS would accord with the parameters of the frequency that was originally sent out. So if they are Low, i.e., based on guilt, anger, fear etc., they would be in accord with other low frequencies and invariably attract the same. For example, if someone shouts at us in anger, we are more than 50% likely to react in a similar manner – like attracting like. A good instance of this is road rage, a spreading epidemic where even the most well mannered turn into prehistoric beasts, venting incredible fury at other people in separate tin boxes. Similarly, if frequency output is high, then it would be in accord with other high frequencies – e.g., an act of loving kindness will often dissolve negativity and raise a frequency to accord with itself.

And that, in brief, is how to manifest light, or not as the case may be.

What I’m saying is that in this very intense and challenging time the responsibility lies with us as to how to ACT rather than RE-ACT; it is most important to keep your antennae up and get off the bottom rungs of the ladder. Our evolution is in a precarious place, and the fate of the apparent drama hangs in the balance. To do your bit it is necessary to execute swift purification of your mind, imbibe regular positive nourishment to sustain your level of frequency and do what you can to help. REMEMBER, the way the scales fall very much depends on what you do NOW.

Here are a few ways to raise your frequency:
• Eat fresh organic produce that is filled with life force – the fresher the better
• Listen to high frequency music like classical for instance; Mozart is good
• Read authentic spiritual literature
• Spend as much time in nature as possible; mountains, trees, sea, running water – all good!
• The higher up you are the better – mountains are VERY good
• Meditate regularly and send out loving kindness to ALL beings – even the ones who swore at you when you were driving – this latter part is a great purifier of negativity
• Help where you can – random acts of unconditional kindness keep your attention off your own angst!
• Forgive your past as soon as you can and move on – ‘complain and remain in pain, praise and be raised above it’
• Develop an ‘attitude of gratitude’ instead of complaining about your lot. There are always people who are suffering more than you. Become a positive force to yourself and others
• Stay away from stressful people and situations – especially ‘vampires’ who drain your energy to make themselves feel more comfortable but take no responsibility for their own actions
• Don’t watch low grade TV – most advertisements (use mute if watching), a certain soap that finishes at 8pm, (sorry! very low frequency), voyeuristic TV shows like BB which apparently has some kind of tie with the illuminati, most news which is generally biased, and anything that creates negative reactions. TV is not real life but an image based representation of streamed items mainly used to exercise control and promote consumerism
• Limit your intake of alcohol, cigarettes and anything else that alters your clarity
• Drink plenty of filtered or bottled water
• Endeavour to keep your mind in the light by cultivating non reactivity

Generally your body’s first response is a very good gage of whether something is right for you if you learn to listen to it instead of using knee jerk reactions. Usually, if something is not beneficial for you, your body will indicate this by contracting in some way and losing strength. This is the value of kinesiology which uses the body’s simple response of ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to decide a course of action.

If you find it very difficult to control your mind, I highly recommend doing a 10 day silent retreat in Vipassana meditation which although very challenging and a bit like boot camp, is a definite fast track method in learning how to discipline your mind. Last year I crammed in 4 retreats and can absolutely vouch for their healing and terrific purifying power. http://www.dipa.dhamma.org/ Don’t go unless you mean business with your mind!

Remember, all of the above work as a whole; the more you do, the easier it gets. If you start to feel the mounting pressure of this weekend’s Grand Cross it will help to withdraw from external events if you can. Many have decided to go on meditation retreats so they can generate as much light as possible. You can join them by devoting some time to sending out courage instead of fear, love instead of anger, tolerance instead of impatience or even just visualise flooding the earth with as much light as you can imagine. No matter what your situation might be, it’s very important to cultivate a calm acceptance in the face of what appears to be scary or intolerable. DO NOT succumb to fear which may surface as things become de-stabilised.

This time is an extraordinary opportunity to shunt your development light years ahead, use it as best you can – it won’t be back in our lifetime!

The lines are open, link in and know that if we act with one vision, we can overcome any obstacle and create a stunning radiance that will blast away any and all impediments to our sovereignty. The power to achieve wholeness is and always has been OURS. Remove your focus from the finite and place it on the unlimited...


May you illuminate and be a lighted lamp
To those who are lost in the darkness

Saturday, 31 July 2010

Never Alone

A belief that you are separate from the true source breeds the most horrifying behaviours of which warfare is the pinnacle. This is because believing that we are ‘alone and separate’ creates an ‘every man for himself’ attitude which, although can be inclusive of immediate family, is generally exclusive of everyone who isn’t ME, my house, my car, my job, my clothes, my satisfaction and so on. This mind set exacerbates self grasping actions and is expressed as ‘my survival at any cost’. It is the root of all suffering and has kept us in a battle field of some kind since time immemorial.

The kind of things that Homo sapiens get up to as they fall further and further into the dungeons of partition are truly appalling and include anything and everything you can imagine: torture, rape, slavery, murder, imprisonment, genocide, …the list is endless.

All of these actions come from a mind state of separation from unity because once you know that there is only One, you would also understand that performing these actions would be damaging yourself.

Where there is a belief in separation, you can be sure that at least 2 things will arise alongside this: First there will be a corresponding fear of the truth that might end that separation and some sort of denial of anything that might point to that truth, and secondly, there will be those who wish to cash in on this denial in any way possible. The success of these two premises depends very much on keeping the truth a secret, hence the birth of the conspiracy theory; the one that aims to hide the truth in any way it can whilst cashing in on its rebuff at the same time. We have lived in such a world as long as civilisations have risen and fallen.

Conspiracy has been defined as ‘a secret agreement between two or more people to perform a harmful act’- but I would like to add to that – ‘an act that is of benefit to the perpetrators’. Although most of us deny the existence of conspiracy because we are subtly conditioned by ‘normality’ to dismiss anything that doesn’t fit into our ridiculous 2.5 world, if you were to give it some thought, and possibly even investigation, you would begin become aware that there are hidden puppet masters behind the animations of many world dramas, rather than the stale events that are fed to us through public media.

The usual motivating reasons behind such activities of the evasive elite are however, predictably inane and have not changed for millennia. For example; greed, world power and generally ‘more for me and I don’t care whose lives I devastate in the process’. Since most people have a fairly decent - if not unquestioned - set of morals, this game of charades performed by this invisible collective who are the force behind the apparent power figures, must ensue. Ergo it is necessary to keep the masses pre-occupied with the usual mundane drivel so that they do not look at anything too deeply.

Since our dormant minds represent a sleeping but nonetheless potentially powerful threat against those who want to be ‘in charge’ of as many external circumstances as achievable, it is necessary for our minds to be controlled so that they do not cause any problems. These controllers are those who wish to ‘rule the world’ even though, in REAL reality, the very thought of this is utterly preposterous. World domination can never work because wherever there is imposed force, there is equal and opposite reaction.

I could go into this on a much deeper level but am not ensconced with the idea of men dropping out of helicopters on little black strings outside my window on a mission to eliminate my life-force so that their ludicrous façade of hidden agendas is maintained.

So instead, I will go to the heart of the matter and talk about creating the Kingdom instead of ruling the world.

Sadly for many of us, we will never give ourselves the time and effort to discover the things of real importance in our human lives and make them meaningful. But that does not mean the opportunity to open the door and escape this cyclic mayhem is not with us at every moment. Once you realise that there is something not quite right with the world, you then have a sacred moment where another choice presents itself, although it is not so much a choice as an acknowledgment. No matter what dramas ensue in our lives, there is always life going on in the background and the choosing of that life at any given moment is what will obliterate any illusory imprisonment and set you FREE.

The world or the system is more dependent on us than we are on it. This is the secret that no-one knows. For those who feel trapped in their lives with no hope of redemption, know that it can be overcome and transcended. I am not dismissing the suffering that people believe they experience when they are struggling with what they feel are REAL problems. What I AM saying is that a change in perspective is a force of re-invention or even resurrection. This is the promise of commitment made to those who choose the light.

If we, and the planet we inhabit wish to endure into the next birth or ‘ascension’ as it is also referred to, an approach other than ME and MY problems must be cultivated or we will not survive. We are now at a crucial point of spiritual evolution because our existing options are all but exhausted. The new approach that is required to shunt up to the next level and shift into a new beginning is the approach of cherishing others instead of our selves.

Most people think that if they put others before themselves, they will be taken advantage of, ripped off, used and abused and left for dead. But that is because they do not really understand the art of cherishing others. It does not mean that you become a new age wimp and allow others to trample all over you. It simply means to make the happiness of others a priority over your own. An alien concept to 99.9% of the population I know, but the actual truth about chasing happiness is a very unfulfilling one. You may have noticed that the greatest thrills and satisfaction in your life has arisen as the result of making someone else happy. That’s because this ancient wisdom WORKS! Don’t take my word for it – do your own experiments and get your own results.

The system is dependent on a self grasping attitude and will do anything to keep you fearful and self centred, but the wages of such selfish pursuits are only misery, misery and more misery. If you don’t believe me just look around, and ask yourself, ‘how many people do I know who are truly happy?’ and that happiness is NOT based on circumstance but comes from an indestructible place within?

Think about it…

Think about it but don’t take too long

And while you’re thinking do something remarkable that makes someone other than YOU feel uplifted.

Let there be LIGHT

Thursday, 29 July 2010

The Great Escape

How to Fool your Ego and Get the Hell Out of Here

Never mind the third Reich, The ego is the biggest fascist dictator of all time! No matter how ‘advanced’ on the spiritual path you might think you are, unless you have had some form of direct realisation of emptiness; your ego is most likely pulling your strings on some subtle level.

The ego is a master of manipulation and all things that enhance ‘how clever I am; how spiritual I am, how successful I am, how beautiful I am and how much better I am than you’. It enjoys inflating itself and berating others, it enjoys accumulation, revenge and making itself the centre of attention at all times. It can also do 'poor me, they did it to me, I'm not good enough and everyone else is better than me'. It is the force that makes the ‘world’ go round (although has nothing to do with the earth spinning!) and perpetuates our karma so that we return again and again into a life of mind numbing suffering.

If you are already partially conscious of its force, you may think you can spot it; ironically it is often demonstrated by those who think they are involved in a so called ‘spiritual’ lifestyle. After all, most of the chronic wars on our planet have come about because ‘my beliefs/religion/ideas about God and what I think is spiritually correct, are better than yours and therefore, you should be eliminated so that I alone can rule over the domain of what I think is right’.

And that, in a nut shell is the fascist dictator of MY Ego! It is everywhere we are; its best friend is ignorance of the truth. It demands your allegiance and don’t you dare introduce it to anything as threatening as THIS moment here and now because it is terrified of anihilation. It will do anything to stop you from being in the present moment including: dazzle you with promises of heightened states and freedom; tantalise with hopes of reaching a better state than the one you are in NOW; give guarantees that life will be better just around the next corner and so on, until, by the time you realise it ain’t never gonna happen, you’ve croaked it and are on your way six feet down!

It has many weapons such as pain, sickness, undesirable encounters, loss and of course its biggest ally of all; DEATH! No, we don’t like that one at all…’please don’t let me die, I don’t want to die, nor do I want to experience the death of my loved ones’ Although we try so hard to avoid it, we are silently obsessed with this friend of the ego to the point where most of our films are about pain and death, the news is about murderers, war and suicide bombers and we have plenty of schemes that try to assure us that we can ‘insure our life’ and possibly make our meeting with the grim reaper a little more bearable…

What a load of tosh! However, it is a very effective means for keeping us trapped in the cycle of samsara.

But how can we escape from this cycle of suffering? There is really only one way, and that is to free our minds from the clutches of conditioned thought. In other words, we have become hard wired to accept that death is all there is at the end of a life span. And even though there are many, many clues left here on our earthly plane that might point us in other directions, it is our fear that keeps our minds embedded in this one debilitating belief.

Death has many forms but all of them are concerned with the finite and the limited. Every time you limit yourself with a fixed belief or idea about something, you deny your boundless heritage and are playing games with death and all his friends. Whenever you experience a devitalising emotion such as fear, anger or greed, you are affirming your allegiance to creepy Reapey. When you refuse to acknowledge the divine within you and all around, you become the equivalent of a zombie or the living dead; merely going through motions of existence rather than honouring the life force that moves through and animates your apparent form.

Jesus said, ‘Yea though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death I shall fear no evil’. To me this is Jesus expressing his realisation about the emptiness of death: Yes, we may pass out of the body but our essence remains intact. That part of our existence which is the original awareness of union with One instead of two; i.e., undivided; unconquered, remains intact or everlasting because death is merely a scary face behind which there is no substance.

To dismantle this belief one might question ‘who or what am I? What is death? What is life? And so forth until the mind becomes stirred out of its slumber of habitual acceptance.

However, the ego likes to make large of this idea and scare us into submission so that we are always striving to escape from death’s ineluctable clutches. We do this in as many ways as you can imagine the most common of which is to sleep-walk our way through life until our life-force is exhausted and then we obediently drop into death’s gaping jaws.

Yes, I know it sounds grim (ha, ha!) but it needn’t be because there is always a way OUT or IN to be more precise. Although certain religious texts may lead you to believe that karma – or the fruits of your actions, are inevitable, there are always exceptions to the rules and in actual fact, escape is imminent in every moment. Buddhists may have you believe that you have to accumulate merit like grains of sand in a pair of scales until one final grain causes a critical mass; Christians on the other hand believe that through practising the teachings of Jesus; love God above all and love your neighbour as yourself, grace will fall upon you and you will be renewed but no matter how hard we may try to claim this evasive heightened state that promises everlasting peace, we cannot do it through our will. Even if we SURRENDER our will, results are not guaranteed in this life. Still, you can’t blame a girl for trying.

All of these obstacles to liberation come from our trusty ego. In other words, you can trust the ego to behave exactly as it does. It wants to keep you here forever, in the prison of your desires: To have; to be; to claim it for its own. It is like a clingy possessive person wanting to keep you near them at all costs; pretending to be your friend when their only interest is ME! If you want to fool the ego long enough to escape, you have to understand and be honest about its nature in you. It has other weapons, such as making you feel ashamed or guilty for not being ‘spiritual’ if you experience anger or competitiveness or jealousy, for example. Many who believe themselves to be ‘spiritually advanced’ have a great problem in accepting these mind sets within themselves – which is a big obstacle for those who believe they are on the ‘spiritual path’ as it only brings more reactivity into the picture and keeps them locked into suffering – constantly striving for a ‘better’ state of consciousness – but like everything else in the strife department, this too is an ILLUSION.

A good way to fool the ego is to keep things simple. Think of your fascist dictator as you would a bratty child. If this child throws a hissy fit because it’s not getting it’s way, you can distract it with some other entertainment – constructive ones are better than putting it in front of the TV although mind numbing activities do have their moments. Many spiritual teachers call this karma yoga because it provides something relatively pure for the ego to do, whilst benefiting others at the same time. And then…while your ego is busy with the details of washing someone else’s dishes for example, you can slip away.
And hey presto, you’re gone
Just like that!

Laugh in the face of death...and be FEARLESS

Monday, 26 July 2010

Is it Real?

Is There Anybody There?

It just had to happen didn’t it? Today I wore a white t-shirt and carefully avoided anything that might cause a stain and then…stir fry and…you guessed it, soy sauce on my flawless white. The best remedy is washing up liquid on your electric toothbrush. I executed it in an obsessive compulsive disorderly way and then sat down on my couch in a satisfied manner afterwards – having restored all things back to perfection. Sorry – I can’t recommend an alternative for those with dentures, but I guess by the time we’ve got to toothless, you couldn’t care less about soy on your whites - or anywhere else for that matter, and are more interested in missing the toothbrush bit out and just parking your rear on the couch!

But the point is, does any of this matter?
The ideas of perfection that we carry around in our minds are an enormous pain. Sure, they make our world seem to function but is any of it real?

Confused.com? You will be by the end of this blog! (P.s. why don’t these stupid prowler sites cover any of the main questions like – where can I get a better re-incarnation deal and come back as royalty?)

What I mean is; we have all these useless, mind boggling ideas about EVERYTHING: what things are; what they do; where they come from; who we are; what is right/wrong, good/bad etc, etc. And we sincerely believe that without them, we would not be able to function. It’s a hell of a lot to walk around with and even try to remember. But the life plan for Human Neurosis is actually quite smart and causes you to forget it all before you exit this insane in the membrane physical plane (apart from the really deep rooted ones which come back to haunt you with a kick like a donkey on cocaine!)

But are we any closer to the Truth yet?

My favourite wise person once said to me “there is no good or bad” (in a heavy Indian accent). My first thought and subsequent comment was something along the lines of – 'but what about all the starving people in the world and the unscrupulous tyrants who caused their suffering…? What about Bush, Adolf and all the other sons of dogs that desrve to fry in the deepest recesses of hell?' What I really meant of course was: 'What about ME and MY suffering as a result of being uncomfortable with all these things because they are very BAD'. It took me a long and arduous while and a lot of idea dismantling introspection (as well as banging my ego against the walls of 'this is sooo wrong') to begin to understand what this really means, experientially! When I finally got it, I forgave the man who lives downstairs for putting a series of small grenades through my letterbox. I realised -‘It was an act of love; he just didn’t know how to express it’ Just like the mosquito bites that caused my biceps to allergically bulge were actually little kisses, just like having my heirloom stolen by a shady thief was some sort of warped blessing- I just didn't know how to receive it and say 'yes, that's very good!'

IDEAS, IDEAS, IDEAS! Do any of us know what is really going on in this life lark?

Knock knock
Who's there?
Ivan who?
Ivan IDEA you're hiding behind that door...
...and so on and so forth until your head pops open and all the little men with hammers run out!

Eckhart Tolle says that as soon as something is named it’s true essence is lost and you never see it in its true light again - or until your mind becomes undone. This is because we do not really know the true nature of anything – especially who or what we are. ‘Ridiculous’, you might say, but if you really contemplated this, you would begin to see what I mean. All we have are our ideas about who we are, and these ideas are based on a series of past references about who we think we are.

When Christopher Columbus’ ships appeared to the original natives of America, they could not SEE them! The reason they were not visible to them was because they had no point of reference, i.e., they had not seen them before and the mind could not think, 'hey, I KNOW what that is, it's a ship'. In the same way, if you showed a cup of coffee to an alien from some other galaxy, it would not appear as a cup of coffee at all. It might appear as a glark - no I don't know WTF that is either and that's because it does not exist in the way I or anyone else thinks it does!

I rest my case!

This means that we have actually duped ourselves into believing that we, all this stuff that goes on around us, and especially in our minds is REAL. In other words, we have bought into our own BS hook, line and sinker.
What a fantastical joke…on US!

The biggest illusions are of course MY body and MY mind: In fact ME in general! Tony Parsons, a radicalist with a seriously contagious laugh, said “You can’t kill anyone”. Before you start roaring like an angry lion at the way that comment might offend your ideas about life, death and dying think about it, that is, think about it OUT of the BOX. I can recommend reading literature by those who have explored such zones of thought and then, after serious contemplation, meditate on it. You might be surprised about what comes up. The 2 most common responses to realising that ITS NOT REAL is either a feeling of incredible freedom or one of terror. If one or both of these options entice you why not give it a go. There is a tremendous opportunity at the moment to meld with the unknown and develop seriously profound realisations. All the doors are WIDE open. Take advantage of this rare opportunity and OPEN YOUR MIND.
My other favourite Tony Parsons quote is “There is no-one sitting down, there is just sitting on a chair”.

If you try to analyse this from YOUR point of view, you will go loopy. So how, you might ask, can you contemplate it? That’s a difficult one but let me put it this way…if I were the Creator of all things and wanted to be obvious but not found, I would hide in the gaps between all the rubbish that seems to preoccupy our confused minds…
and with that, I bid you, a very good evening...

Next time – You don't have to go to South America to find your Brazils

Friday, 23 July 2010

Dancing with the Enemy

Another birthday; another year- but there’s something about this one that is so different. It looks different, it feels different and it IS different because it is being perceived from an unusually altered state – and I’m not talking about mind altering drugs. These days the veil is so thin I can see through to the other side – it’s like looking into a 20x intensified mirror where your face is literally transmogrifying before your very eyes! All the boundaries are bleeding and beings in the twilight zone are seeping into this one and guess what – even though there are a handful of heroes, a lot of them are just as confused as we are and maybe even more afraid. Yes! Things have definitely got a little blurry around the edges…

When I first started dabbling in the etheric mysteries, I came across a book called ‘Hands of Light’ by Barbara Anne Brenhan, where she explained in great depth about the different levels of existence. In the old days, before things started speeding up and the ‘action reaction’ loop was a little more drawn out, dimensions were far more separate; thoughts were in one place, emotions in another, astral dimensions were in their place and never the twain did meet. But these days it’s all melting into ONE big soup which means the astral, thought, and emotional realms are all mixed up with nowhere to go. As a result we are all over the place and stepping into one another’s psychic space. In other words, there are NO PRIVATE THOUGHTS or anything else for that matter! You must have noticed: the increased aggravation when you are among masses, the increased sensitivity when around particularly aggravated people or situations…sound familiar?

We are being shown that we are not separate; that we are all responsible for each other and that we have to be super careful about what we think because, it is becoming more and more obvious, that every thought has a consequence and these days a pretty immediate one. When one is addressing the quality of their own thoughts, it becomes quickly apparent that you can’t serve two masters. You can’t think about anger and peace at the same time; can’t serve dark and light; contraction and expansiveness, God and the Devil; 0 and 1 or any other way you want to express it.

My old teacher used to say; “you can’t have your feet in 2 boats” because eventually the boats may divide down the river and you’ll have to jump into the water and maybe drown! In other words, you cannot split your consciousness; it can only be of a singular frequency at any one moment in time. This truth is becoming more and more apparent and those who are trying to fence sit are being forced with the pressure of a decision. It’s a most uncomfortable place to sit. This seat is called ‘denial of the one consciousness that underpins all’ or ‘I am separate and alone’ or, ‘nothing beyond the physical exists’. But if you truly choose this side , the only consequence is the inevitability of Death, where you will finally diminish in the fires of total annihilation whilst Death and all his friends sing songs of your utter termination. Not the kind of holiday you were saving up for right?! AND SO, although it is bone rattlingly terrifying to entertain the possibility that the world has been wrong all along, the time has come to choose…it’s time to pick your dance partner and stick to it; will it be the light or the absence of light? Eternity or Death? Are we to dance in the light or flee in the shadows whilst the grimm reaper chases our shirt tails with his sharpened scythe?

Every action that is taken, including our thoughts, either serves the light or the dark. If your mind is in fear, every action made from that standpoint – or crouch-point, to be more accurate, is going to result in a lowering of frequency which means you are dancing with the Devil. Some people are waiting for some grand climactic event of the 2012 cycle but really it is occurring every moment; every moment you are choosing what or who to serve by where you direct the energy of your thoughts. So many people I know are panicking about fearful or angry emotions or thoughts they are having, or worse still, trying to put a band-aid over a gaping wound of inconsistency, whilst riding a roller-coaster of uncertainty... Well, buckle up, because the intensity is going to increase to warp speed.

The rest of this year is the only remaining time you have left to whip your mind into shape so that you can control the flow of thought energy and direct it away from judgement. Judgement is a dangerous mindset because it mortifies thought energy and makes it into a dangerous force. It zombifies the mind and turns you into the living dead. That’s what is meant by ‘judgement day’: No-one is coming down to judge you; it is us who will judge each other and ourselves. Time is imminent: Work diligently to make preparations, next year spirituality will go into autopilot and you will either be on the boat or in the water.


I AM the master of my fate

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Flying South

I’m going Home!
Every day a bit more of me migrates back to the bosom of my Creator. I can feel it leave through the top of my head during my morning meditation, and slowly, I am losing interest in the world. It’s dropping out of me like the sand in an hour glass. I see everything that goes on and hear the sounds of busy ness but I do not belong in it; nor does it hold any enticement for me. It’s getting less and less and I’m beginning to understand the strange feeling I have had since I was a child – the one of not belonging, the one that used to make me feel as if there was something wrong with me rather than with the place I was in. It was agony, but now I understand!

I’m not quite sure how I got down here in the first place but it doesn’t really matter. All that matters is that I can hear the call and I have answered. I hear it in the trees when the wind blows through them; I hear it in the laughter of children when they are Being; I hear it in the songs of the birds like a pure fountain of joy; I hear it in the gaps between the suffering of myself and others. Sometimes it’s so loud I can’t hear anything else. Every day a little bit more of me leaves this place, which isn’t really a location but a mind set. It’s a mind set of lack; of self victimisation. It’s a mind set that says you are not worthy; you do not deserve, you will die a pauper.

Today I wish for you all to hear the call and find your way home. If I could be a bridge, I would lay down; if I were a gate keeper, I would open the door for you. There is so much love waiting for you just slightly over the brow of the hill but no-one can carry you there. They can simply point the way and hope that you will feel the calling. If you find your life is one long cracked record then maybe you’re missing the point. Look again at what is being repeated and listen to your feelings around that pain. Inside you will find the key that will open your door to freedom. It is there calling you. It has been calling you since the beginning. Ask yourself the question: ‘Am I ready to listen now?’ or do I need another cycle of battering?

I have been speaking to my Home:
I am ready to serve. There seem to be 2 jobs here but really there is only ever one; either I serve the world or I serve divinity – which ever I think I choose, I will serve divinity in the end. One is easy and the other so hard although it may appear the other way round but as Geshla says; appearances are deceiving…

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Stand up and be Free

Claiming back your Sacred Space

Lately, since the June eclipses in fact, the issue of boundaries arose strongly in my own life and the lives of others that I know, and I realised that most of us have given all our true power away to external events, circumstances and people. As a result, we now feel helplessly out of control when things don’t go according to our plans.

Why have we done this?

After much observation and self examination it became obvious that we are crying out for some sort of salvation. For some, this can appear in the form of a desperate craving for ‘something’ to fill the void, for others it can be a compulsive fixation with achievement in the world, for others still, obsessive relationship or fame seeking. For those who have done their external seeking and found nothing; depression and the futility of life can set in.

But what has this got to do with boundaries?

Years ago, I read the Celestine Prophecy and I remember one of the insights was about how we try to rob energy from each other instead of acknowledging that we are connected to an unlimited source. Well isn’t that what war is all about? ‘I don’t have enough! I want more, I want yours!’ I mean we humans have been pillaging the wealth of others for as long as history has been documented but these days, the plundering is far more discreet and it takes the form of slowly sucking away your life force in any way possible. Why? Because people in power only want MORE power!

Here are a few ways this is done: nutritionally by selling sub-standard /low life force foods in supermarkets, energetically through subjecting people to pressurised living conditions, mentally through inaccurate education and reinforcing ideas about the limitedness of our being; psychologically through fear mongering so that we become terrified of everything ‘unfamiliar’;  medically through being bombarded with steroidal drugs, antibiotics and vaccinations; spiritually through the collective denial and reinforcement that nothing beyond the physical exists and you must strive for happiness in the material world (even though those who play a part in perpetuating those beliefs may be aware that you will never find it).

When we buy into these ideas, we become the worst kind of slaves; those who believe they are acting out of free will and have no idea that they are in bondage. This is how the world is controlled. Anyone who has walked the ranks of ‘power’ will tell you that 'everybody wants to rule the world' and all you have to do is look at history to see how this desire has played out in every empire and how it continues to be played out in our world .  However, the idea of reclaiming your sacred space through the correct use of boundaries is a way of removing your energy from the collective matrix of illusion and when practised begins a process of ‘unplugging’ yourself. Eventually, when enough people are unplugged, the system will hold no power over you and be exposed for the sham that it is.

So how is this done?

It is important to look HONESTLY at your life and see where you are allowing power drainage. A clue here is that those situations/foods/activities/people/thoughts that make you feel exhausted/weak/sapped/ worn out, are probably -consciously or unconsciously- robbing your energy . You have to start to look ruthlessly at the aspects of your life that are out of balance. Although I am glossing over it in this blog, addressing your boundaries is a full time job and requires meticulous discipline and endeavour, which many of us cannot be bothered to give and prefer to stay with the ‘devil they know’ to making the vast effort required to activate a lasting change. But it’s your choice and life really begins once you realise that the buck really does stop with you, not someone or something else.

Once you become aware of the free loaders you have allowed to take from your natural flow of energy, you can make the relevant adjustments. Often this will involve a change, like saying ‘NO!’ to someone or something. You may find this difficult, especially if you are entrenched in the habit of whatever you have been doing up till now. But I can guarantee, that when you start to reclaim your energy back from the hundreds of futile outlets, you will begin to feel AMAZING. Just think, all that energy you’ve wasted on dead pursuits will return to you and then you will become someone to be reckoned with; you will acquire real power, charisma and standing. In our natural state, we are HUGE; enormous and pulsating with light. The secret? Unplug from the thronging masses and plug into the VAST inexhaustible grid that is FREEDOM.

I am always in choice