Oops, everything has gone non-linear and is appearing not to follow any rational course of events like it used to in the past.
Whereas one was previously able to make plans and follow them to an apparent logical conclusion, now it appears that 1+1 =3 or any other random number that might pop up without any reason.
Our little reign of the ‘I’ is almost over and along with it, our small dreams of ‘ruling the world’, being successful and any other self seeking pursuits we might have cherished, (that's 'Self seeking' with a large S, not self inquiry!) If we find this prospect grim and ‘negative’ it’s only because we are still in the clutches of ‘I, me, myself’ and are therefore still seeking some kind of resolution or conclusion to the endless dilemma that has plagued the mind ever since we stepped out of wholeness and into separation.
As soon as there is separation, there is seeking for wholeness and even though wholeness has never actually gone anywhere and has always been with us in plain view; that single tiny mad thought which hurled us into the dark reaches of aloneness has held its empire fast for countless millennia. It has imprisoned the senses and used them as its allies to keep us locked in a world of separation.
I never was much of a mathematician but if I were to give an equation for the current state, it would be something like this:
1 + 1 = 2, OR separation and aloneness (with a huge dose of guilt because we believe we’ve messed things up!) But it cannot be ‘solved’ by 2-1 to = 1 again, because that would still equal separation and aloneness. This is because the ego self or ‘I’ cannot subtract ‘I’ from itself, it cannot annihilate itself and in fact fears its own extinction most of all, so it NEVER can or will end its own reign over its imaginary world; in other words, unity or oneness cannot be entered into from a state of duality: It already IS. Therefore the only possible standpoint is to ‘see’ 1, as it is and has always been.
The moment is fast approaching where all will be revealed.
What this means in so called practical terms is that ‘mine’ and ‘your’ worlds are falling apart. There is no rhyme or reason in this and the more you try to find one, the more it slips out of your personal reach. All the beliefs and thoughts we have had about life and reality are being dismantled and although this may appear to be happening rather ruthlessly, (or wather wuthlessly if you speak like Jonathan Ross), it only appears this way because we have held on to these flimsy ideas for so long that we have forgotten our true identity and settled for a shadowy excuse for being alive.
Although, strictly speaking, we cannot enter oneness from two-ness, we can move towards the edge of the veil of duality and make a degree of preparation through willingness and readiness for Grace to come and pluck us out of the cycle at some random moment. This apparent movement seems to be occurring on a collective level with various structures falling down and coming to an end both externally and internally. The increasing revelation that there is NOTHING that we can do about ANY of this, is an enormous shock and disillusionment for the egoic ‘I’ self which has delusion ally believed that ‘he’ is in control of it all. Now, he must watch helplessly while the walls of his Jericho tumble down.
This ‘un-doing’ is a pivotal point in the evolution of the image of humankind, for although in the grand unlimited spectrum of all, nothing has or is actually happening, the appearance of this series of small and large events serves to shake down the ego, enough for oneness to override the illusion of duality and express the idea of ‘salvation’. This will bring the idea of cause an effect to an abrupt end, for it is only through cause and effect that we are kept imprisoned in the suffering of Samsara.
The mind is addicted to cause and effect, or, to put it another way, seeking resolution to its apparent separate state. If you doubt this, just sit quietly without external distractions and observe it for 5 minutes. You will notice that images and ideas bombard the mind constantly and due to egoic interference we imagine that these thoughts belong to us and are all seeking a conclusion and a destination. From this root delusion; i.e., that we must ‘do something’ about ‘our’ thoughts, the whole idea of sickness arises: I feel a sensation and memory tells me that it must be ‘this or that’; e.g., a sore throat must be a cold, an aching joint must be arthritis etc, etc, and therefore this or that will happen as a result of having this ailment or disease. Thus, my thought has reached a destination and I have drawn conclusions about the initial idea, placing it in a group of like ideas, in this case, ideas about disease, and constructing an imaginary reality about that thought.
It may seem to you that you have not ‘done’ anything except made some judgements and drawn various conclusions but this in itself is a subtle act of doing and creates division, fragments and factions; setting some thoughts up against others, e.g., good and bad, right and wrong, success and failure, and so on. Eventually, these thoughts are manifested in speech “I’m getting a cold”, and then in actions, “I’m going to the Dr.” These thoughts, conclusions and resulting actions run our world and form powerful imprints in our minds that become habituated into behaviours like anger, leading to thoughts and actions of vengeance. The ultimate manifestation of division is WAR, against ourselves and others.
The mind will ask of course ‘What can I do to fix it?’ and herein lies the problem; the more ‘you’ try to fix it, the more dualistic it will become because seeking to change something and make it ‘become’ something other than itself is perpetuating the cycle of cause and effect.
And if you follow this line of reasoning, the ultimate question must be:
Ask this question, but do not think about the answer; do not answer with your mind and see what happens. By and by, you will see, you are NOT your thoughts.
We have reached the edge of the precipice; the end of karma: it is a place where the mind and the intellect cannot go. It is a place where thoughts do not own you nor do you identify with them; it is the place where all dreams begin and end and all identities fold in, fall away and diminish into the emptiness from whence they came.
Those who wish to perpetuate the continuation of cause and effect will continue to look for reasons and make adjustments to the ‘dream’; they will continue to identify with anger, fear and desire. Whereas those who wish to be freed will stand very still and allow the wave of actions and reactions to wash over them whilst they maintain focus on the arising and passing of various sensations that appear to be experienced within the field of the body.
And then, at the appointed moment, will jump into the waiting arms of consciousness and be caught with the unconditional love that has been waiting for us
You cannot make it happen
But you can be willing and available
May we all fly like free birds
And end the cycle of suffering
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