Every life and supposed duration lived with conscious awareness only ever leads you to one single point;
This one!
Today a small miracle occurred and there was a degree of liberation from the idea that there is a better ‘me’ waiting to be met at some time in the future, or there was a better me that I left behind at some time in the past. It crept up out of the blue and left a warm fuzzy feeling in my usually cluttered brain and I have absolutely no idea how it happened.
It could have been the years of spiritual grafting, endless book reading and copious amounts of brown rice that lead here; it could have been the stunning aromas of spring that aired my clogged up nostrils as I inhaled the wafting smell of hyacinths deeply into my ‘winter damp’ drenched lungs ; or it could have been the unparalleled visual of the shimmering ocean glistening in the virgin rays of the newly birthed equinox that assailed my optical senses; but it’s most likely it was my momentary distraction by a rather large obstruction in my facial breathing apparatus, eventuating in the gratifying extraction of a rather large clag from my left nostril…(AKA bogie picking), that’s got to be it. Because following that unplanned action, I observed that the left hemisphere of my brain suddenly received a rush of chi and lo, I suddenly understood the bus time table for the first time and realised why I was always late everywhere except for here!
I decided to throw away my top heavy habituation of analysing everything and suddenly realised that I was enjoying myself. It was a shocking affair that resulted in a happy facial countenance. Later that day, I decided that I never want to examine the contents of my rectum again but before I say bon voyage to the ongoing rather cavernous inspection of the contents therein, here are just a few thoughts to ponder over…
Death by linear time
Living in ‘over there’ creates very uncomfortable sensations overwhelming the internal and external body giving rise to the impulse of wanting to run away from everything… I know most of you must have felt the heaviness of the Christmas 2010 period, followed by a 2011 that arrived with the subtlety of a freight train; a turning of a year like no other! January felt as if it was wearing a cloak of darkness + lead weights, and many people spoke of suicidal thoughts and a heaviness that threatened to squeeze the very life force out of them.
The pressures that individuals and the world is undergoing in this time are an indication of a ‘disturbance in the force’ if you will. When such disturbances occur it is usually the result of the changes brought on through an increase in light frequency causing the lower body and the higher body to conflict as they attempt to harmonise into one. When there is divergence such as this, there is always a resulting ‘taking of sides’; some people are becoming more bestial and primal, while others are diving semi fledged into the ‘spiritual scene’ – each supposed ‘choice’ neglecting the other. But neither sides are unified and therefore do not represent the truth.
The death of Death
This period of time marks the death of linear time and a birthing into oneness; no more duality and separate concepts, just one. It is a breaking of a seal with trumpets intact; a heralding of the end of linear time and everything that goes with it; 9-5 jobs, planning your life years ahead or even a week ahead, and indulging in end gaining activities. All of these belong to the linear consciousness and in our case; this type of consciousness is mainly based in thoughts of survival or self gratification and ‘if’ thinking; i.e., if I don’t do this, then this will happen etc, leading to a fear of loss of control of the events in our lives which we associate with ‘my life’.
In effect, death and linear time are synonymous because the concept of time with a beginning and an end leads inexorably, to death. This means that liberation from linear time changes the ideas we have about death and instead of an end, death becomes a simple shift in consciousness… However, our minds have a deep ‘death imprint’ that is currently being challenged by the light. The world wants to remind us, through sensationalist media reports on various disasters, that we are finite and expendable, so inciting fear into our minds, causing contraction and imprisonment and reinforcing the idea that we are nothing beyond the body.
The shift of beliefs away from body consciousness toward unified consciousness requires an enormous leap of faith. For some the idea of loss of the body is terrifying because we have to acknowledge the drastic change in our entire thought process; a real re-wiring of all concepts and beliefs. It’s a little bit like the baby lion that was brought up by a herd of sheep believing he was a sheep and then finally seeing his true reflection for the first time; all those ideas about himself shattered by the truth to reveal the real identity!
Light is like a mirror – smashing illusory concepts and ideas to smithereens. During this time many unpleasant emotions may arise, like depression, self loathing, guilt or incandescent rage. This was the case for me, especially following a Kriya Yoga retreat I did in January: Some brutish urge arose in me to run through the streets naked making guttural uterine sounds but, unnaturally I had to deny it for fear of having turpentine injected into my legs and confined to a small hidden place where such behaviour could be constrained because ‘that sort of thing just isn’t allowed’ unless your rabidly drunk on a weekend of venting how unfulfilling your job/life is. Under the guise of ‘having a good time’ one can vent a certain degree of rage against the machine, otherwise, it’s all kept nicely under wraps.
But there is something greater than the lifestyle of small minded control that attempts to direct and ‘manage’ existence; and that thing is making itself felt on every level; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. For carbon units that can’t handle the surges of increased frequency, the scenario may turn into huge venting dramas, but for those who have primed their units, influxes of light might have very different consequences. Some people believe that we are literally being upgraded to crystalline units in order to handle the shift, but the truth is, we have no idea who or what we really are or what kind of secret imprints are lurking in our system awaiting activation – and I believe that is what ‘revelations’ is all about.
Some say that it is this year that will determine the events for 2012; perhaps this year is the real weapon of mass destruction…so be careful how you use it!
It seems that we are definitely being pushed to entertain thoughts of alternate ‘realities’; to wake up; to step out of our small minded relationship with life and take a more expansive and inclusive view: Realities are nothing more that dimensions of thoughts, or perspectives. We have many types of consciousness available to us other than survival, sex money and power which is all the world seems concerned about. However that doesn’t mean that you should deny the lower self and get all sanctimonious. The saying ‘the meek shall inherit the earth’ does not refer to those who spout on about how much light is pouring out of their anal chakra but rather to those who are in quiet harmony and simplicity with life. The ones who believe they have reached some sacred level of elevation may be sorely disappointed when they are shown that ‘that’s not it’.
Being in a place of oneness means, being inwardly still enough to allow inner depth and simultaneous elevation to occur all at once. But it has to be said that present conditions are pressing and our minds are running wild with our smaller selves trying to assume control of such a large amount of energy that our minds have become erratic. In the face of seeming adversity, being still feels like an impossible feat. Still, all the great illumined minds speak of this mighty challenge and how it must be overcome. Even though you might hear reports of people who attain liberation randomly (whilst reading the Sun newspaper on the toilet), it doesn’t mean that they did not previously create the conditions for this random event to occur. The truth is, the whole spiritual path is a mystery that no-one can label, but sooner or later we will come to the realisation that the mind is a very small part of reality and has nothing to do with who or what we really are. When this is understood, the heaviness will drop, like an old skin no longer required, and liberation will take its place in our evolution.
But until then random acts of bodily grooming will have to suffice…
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