Thursday 15 July 2010

Stand up and be Free

Claiming back your Sacred Space

Lately, since the June eclipses in fact, the issue of boundaries arose strongly in my own life and the lives of others that I know, and I realised that most of us have given all our true power away to external events, circumstances and people. As a result, we now feel helplessly out of control when things don’t go according to our plans.

Why have we done this?

After much observation and self examination it became obvious that we are crying out for some sort of salvation. For some, this can appear in the form of a desperate craving for ‘something’ to fill the void, for others it can be a compulsive fixation with achievement in the world, for others still, obsessive relationship or fame seeking. For those who have done their external seeking and found nothing; depression and the futility of life can set in.

But what has this got to do with boundaries?

Years ago, I read the Celestine Prophecy and I remember one of the insights was about how we try to rob energy from each other instead of acknowledging that we are connected to an unlimited source. Well isn’t that what war is all about? ‘I don’t have enough! I want more, I want yours!’ I mean we humans have been pillaging the wealth of others for as long as history has been documented but these days, the plundering is far more discreet and it takes the form of slowly sucking away your life force in any way possible. Why? Because people in power only want MORE power!

Here are a few ways this is done: nutritionally by selling sub-standard /low life force foods in supermarkets, energetically through subjecting people to pressurised living conditions, mentally through inaccurate education and reinforcing ideas about the limitedness of our being; psychologically through fear mongering so that we become terrified of everything ‘unfamiliar’;  medically through being bombarded with steroidal drugs, antibiotics and vaccinations; spiritually through the collective denial and reinforcement that nothing beyond the physical exists and you must strive for happiness in the material world (even though those who play a part in perpetuating those beliefs may be aware that you will never find it).

When we buy into these ideas, we become the worst kind of slaves; those who believe they are acting out of free will and have no idea that they are in bondage. This is how the world is controlled. Anyone who has walked the ranks of ‘power’ will tell you that 'everybody wants to rule the world' and all you have to do is look at history to see how this desire has played out in every empire and how it continues to be played out in our world .  However, the idea of reclaiming your sacred space through the correct use of boundaries is a way of removing your energy from the collective matrix of illusion and when practised begins a process of ‘unplugging’ yourself. Eventually, when enough people are unplugged, the system will hold no power over you and be exposed for the sham that it is.

So how is this done?

It is important to look HONESTLY at your life and see where you are allowing power drainage. A clue here is that those situations/foods/activities/people/thoughts that make you feel exhausted/weak/sapped/ worn out, are probably -consciously or unconsciously- robbing your energy . You have to start to look ruthlessly at the aspects of your life that are out of balance. Although I am glossing over it in this blog, addressing your boundaries is a full time job and requires meticulous discipline and endeavour, which many of us cannot be bothered to give and prefer to stay with the ‘devil they know’ to making the vast effort required to activate a lasting change. But it’s your choice and life really begins once you realise that the buck really does stop with you, not someone or something else.

Once you become aware of the free loaders you have allowed to take from your natural flow of energy, you can make the relevant adjustments. Often this will involve a change, like saying ‘NO!’ to someone or something. You may find this difficult, especially if you are entrenched in the habit of whatever you have been doing up till now. But I can guarantee, that when you start to reclaim your energy back from the hundreds of futile outlets, you will begin to feel AMAZING. Just think, all that energy you’ve wasted on dead pursuits will return to you and then you will become someone to be reckoned with; you will acquire real power, charisma and standing. In our natural state, we are HUGE; enormous and pulsating with light. The secret? Unplug from the thronging masses and plug into the VAST inexhaustible grid that is FREEDOM.

I am always in choice

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